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"I wouldn't like to tell you," he said, "but I've been in some mighty- y-y funn-y-y places, where I didn't meet no beautiful young ladies like you, Miss Donnie. I ain't much of a man at handin' out compliments I never was one o' the presumin' kind but you sure do put San Pasqual on the map. Miss Donnie, you do, for a fact." Donna smiled her appreciation of Harley P.'s gallantry.

I asked them to head for Lanesport, and told them that I expected to meet the rest of the "Hoppergrass's" crew there. "L-L-L-L-L-Lanesport!" exclaimed the boy at the wheel, "it w-would be sailing into the j-j-jaws of d-d-d-death! W-Why, d-don't you s-see when we s-stole this b-boat w-we c-committed pup-pup-piracy on the high s-s-seas! They'd s-s-s-string us right up at the y-y- yard-arm!"

"And you knew it was there all the time, and let Parson John get the blame for stealing it?" "Y-y es. B-b ut fer God's sake have mercy! I I didn't mean to do it! I was o-only j-j okin'! I intended to ex-p-plain everything." There was an ominous movement among the bystanders, and those in the rear did some excited talking, while several left the building.

"Y-y es," was the quaking reply. "Well, hurry up about it," and as the wretched man started for the door, he was rushed forward by the crowd which surged about him. Hatless and almost breathless, with wild staring eyes, Farrington staggered along the road. The store was reached. "Unlock the door," was the command, "and make haste about it."

I had to leave him at a farm, and walk the remainder of the way. I was resting by the bridge when you came along. I was quite put out to think I had to tramp that distance and be so late. But now I know it was for the best. Doesn't everything turn out right, Nellie?" "Y-y es, some things do," was the reluctant reply.