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The shot that was instantly fired seemed to have no effect, and the well-directed harpoon of Awatok was utterly disregarded by it. Amos Parr, however, gave it a lance-thrust that caused it to howl vehemently, and dyed the foam with its blood. "Hand me a spear, Buzzby," cried Saunders; "the musket-balls seem to hurt him as little as peas. Oot o' my gait."

I haena a morsel in the house, and hae na siller to buy meal. But yer faither is aboot finished wi' the web, and ye shall hae plenty the nicht. "Then the bits o' dear creatures would hae come runnin' ben to me, and asked 'Faither, when will the web be ready? "'Soon, soon, hinnies! said I, half choked wi' grief and blind wi' tears; 'haud awa' oot and play yoursels!

On the landing above he must encounter the auld wifie of a landlady, rousing her, it might be, and none too good-tempered, from sleep. Unaware that he added to his master's difficulties, Bobby leaped upon him and licked the beloved face that he could not see. "Eh, laddie, I dinna ken what to do wi' ye. We maun juist hae to sleep oot."

"No, it's not," growled the skipper, very much through his nose; "she's headin' west." "It's to somewhere that coorse will take us in the ind, no doubt, if we carry on?" suggested Quin, interrogatively. "Ay; oot to sea," replied the skipper. Quin was obliged to give it up for the time being.

I opened it to see if I could fin' the name o' the owner, an' I found some papers wi' yer faither's name on them. Can ye mak' oot whit it means, ma lassie? Somethin' is no richt, I tak' it." Dexie sat down beside him and read several of the letters and papers, and their contents filled her with surprise.

Malcolm thought he might take his own time to set the child right, and asked her to go and tell her father that he wanted to see him. In a few minutes Blue Peter appeared, rubbing his eyes one of the dead called too early from the tomb of sleep. "Freen' Peter," said Malcolm, "I'm gaein' to speak oot the day." Peter woke up.

"There now!" cried Sir Walter, rubbing his hands and chuckling, "I've put the chiel in a pretty warm corner, and we'll see which of you moderns can take him oot o't. Ne'er a word more will ye get frae me to help him one way or the other."

It seemed to him indelicate, almost heartless of her to talk so soon of burying the dear one but just gone from their sight: it was unnecessary dispatch, and suggested a lack of reverence! "What for sic a hurry?" he expostulated. "Isna there time eneuch to put oot o' yer sicht what ye ance lo'ed sae weel? Lat me be the nicht; the morn 'ill be here sene eneuch!

It was ane day aboot the beginning of October, I was comin' oot o' the stable, after giein' its oats tae the horse, when I seed a great muckle loon come hoppin' on ane leg up the drive, mair like a big, ill-faured craw than a man.

Mason laughed and slapped his knee. "Man, indeed? He was just a lad down at Marsland School. I was there myself, you understand, the year after him. He was an awful clever lad beat every one at books an he could draw anything. You couldn't mak' much oot of his drawins, I daur say they were queer sorts o' things. I never could make head or tail on 'em myself.