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"Ay hey!" "Weel, isna his mere 'at they ca' Kelpie jist the pictur' o' the deil's ain horse 'at lay at the door an' watched, whan he flaw oot an' tuik the wa' wi' 'im ?" "I cudna say till I saw whether the deil himsel' cud gar her lie still."

On the stroke of six oh yes, we have our licensing restrictions out here too! half a dozen kilted warriors stroll into the farm-kitchen, and mumble affably to Madame "Bone sworr! Beer?" France boasts one enormous advantage over Scotland. At home, you have at least to walk to the corner of the street to obtain a drink: "oot here" you can purchase beer in practically every house in a village.

Bachelor Billy was rocking the boy in his arms as he would have rocked a baby. "There, noo, there, noo, quiet yoursel'," he said, and his voice was very soothing, "quiet yoursel'; ye've naught to dread; it'll a' coom oot richt. What's happenit to ye, Ralph, that ye s'ould be so fearfu'?" "N nothin'; I'm tired, that's all. I guess I'll go to bed again." He went back to bed, but not to sleep.

And there isna a word o' reconceelin' God till 's in a' the Testament, for there was no need o' that: it was us that he needed to be reconcilet to him. An' sae he bore oor sins and carried oor sorrows; for those sins comin' oot in the multitudes ay and in his ain disciples as weel, caused him no en' o' grief o' mind an' pain o' body, as a'body kens.

I've nothing to say about an out-and-out union labor fight. I've been oot on strike maself and I ken there's times when men have to strike to get their rights. They've reason for it then, and it's another matter. But some of the new sort of leaders of the men think anything is fair when they're dealing with an employer. They'll mak' agreements they've no sort of thought of keeping.

Did ye never hear maister Craig p'int oot the differ atween believin a body and believin in a body, Francie? 'No and I dinna care. 'I wudna like ye to gang awa thinking I misdoobtit yer word, Francie! I believe onything ye tell me, as far as I think ye ken, but maybe no sae far as ye think ye ken. I believe ye, but I confess I dinna believe in ye yet.

"Ay will I," answered Annie, "gin He'll lat in Alec and Curly too." "Ye maun mak nae bargains wi' him; but gin they'll gang in, he'll no haud them oot." And away, somewhat comforted, the honest stonemason strode, through the darkness and the rain, to his own rather cheerless home, where he had neither wife nor child to welcome him.

"You'ill no catch me tramping oot at the tail o' Byles and a litter o' Dowbiggins!" and Jock was very emphatic. "Dod, it'ill just be like a procession o' MacMuldrow's lassies, two and two, and maybe airm in airm!"

An' I howp the laddies here 'ill tak' a lesson frae them, an' stick in an' get their pictures in magic lanterns efter they're deid too, an' get great big mossyleeums that's thae great muckle sowsers o' gravesteens, juist like mill stalks, ye ken oot in the Warddykes Cemetery, wi' their names chiseled on them in gold letters."

Donald bowed loyally and low. "I will be awake and awa' a gude hour before dawn, maister Roddy. The sunrise will see me weel oot o' the settlements." "And we meet here again at midnight." "Depend upon it, sir, unless the rapscallion rebels should catch and hang me up to one of the tall aiks o' the Chaudière."