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I thought the gowf wad be easier than digging for coal wi' a pick. So oot we set, carryin' our sticks, and ready to mak' a name for ourselves in a new way. Syne Mac had said he could play a little, I told him he must take the honor and drive off. He did no look sae grateful as he should ha' done, but he agreed, at last. "Noo, Harry, stand weel back, man, and watch where this ball lichts.

"Yon milk on the drawers' head an' the bottle of whisky is tae keep up the strength, and this cool caller water is tae keep doon the fever. "We 'ill cast oot the fever by the virtue o' the earth an' the water." "Div ye mean tae pit Saunders in the tub?" "Ye hiv it noo, Drumsheugh, and that's hoo a' need yir help."

First gaed ane oot ower the mirk, Whan the maker gan to work; Ower it gaed and ower the sea, An' the warl' begud to be.

"When ye were taken ill he lay in the kitchen the lang night through, and his horse saddled and bridled ready in his stall; ay, and he would not go to bed for the Laird himsel'. Indeed, many a wild night he galloped through, and him oot in the morning when the doctor had left."

An' as it fell oot, it was a fearsome nicht o' win' an' drivin' snaw waur, I wad reckon, nor onything we hae hereawa'. But he turnt na aside for win' or snaw, for little cared he what cam til 'im or o' 'im, wi' sic a how in his hert.

Malcolm thought he might take his own time to set the child right, and asked her to go and tell her father that he wanted to see him. In a few minutes Blue Peter appeared, rubbing his eyes one of the dead called too early from the tomb of sleep. "Freen' Peter," said Malcolm, "I'm gaein' to speak oot the day." Peter woke up.

"Less likly nor ony man aboot the place," bawled Donal, half angry with his mistress for calling his friend dummie. "Gibbie kens better what he's aboot nor ony twa 'at thinks him a fule 'cause he canna lat oot sic stuff an' nonsense as they canna haud in." Jean went back to the kitchen, only half reassured concerning her brownie, and far from contented with his absence.

"It is a theery A' have, sir-r," he said; "yon Archie, the new feller, is being tried oot. He is different to the rest. Mr. Austin had him the other night. Mr. Colebeck was nearly brought doon yesterday morn. Every one in the squadron has had a taste of him, and every one in the squadron has been lucky." "That is a fact," said Austin; "this new gun is a terror."

"Do you mean to tell me, mother, 'at ye'll no be up oot o' yer bed on Monunday an hour afore yer usual time, lookin' for the post?" "Na, no this time. I may be up, an' tak a look for 'im, but no expeckin' a registerdy; na, na, that wouldna be reasonable." "Dinna say fifteen, Leeby; I would never think o' sic a sum. Mebbe five " "Five! I wonder to hear ye.

"I see, Tam," he said; "so you were just hanging around to discourage him?" "A' thocht it oot," said Tam. "A' pictured ma young friend William von Archie shootin' and shootin', surroonded by technical expairts with long whiskers and spectacles.