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You's take his fishin' place. You's got him fined two times. You's make my moder pay his bill wis my weddin' money. What you goin' pay for all dat? You tink I'll be goin' for mos' kill mysef pullin' you out for noting? When you ever do someting for anybody for noting, eh, M'sieu Savarin? "'How much you want? he's say. "'Ten dollare for de platform, dat's all.

Ay tank she ees good ways off; her moder she ees gawn to churtz." Bradley no longer looked at the stars as he walked along the street. All his doubts and fears and his timidity and his reticence came back upon him, and something warm and sweet seemed to go out of the far vista of his life. He felt that he had lost her.

'Dey comes from de missus' room. Den he say, 'Run down dar an' ask de sergeant ob de guard to send tree men wid you, an' come quick! Now moder kin tell yer what happened. I had lef de back hall doah unlocked, an' de cap'n went in like a flash." "De good Lor' bress Cap'n Lane," began the colored woman, "fer he come just in time.

An' while you're a-doin' it, bein' as you're a pretty good Greaser, I'll just take a drink to you " "Greasaire, non! Me, A'm hate de damn Greasaire!" The cowpuncher paused with the bottle half way to his lips and scrutinized the other: "I thought you was a little off colour an' talked kind of funny. What be you?" "Me, A'm Blood breed. Ma fader she French. Ma moder she Blood Injun.

At the top of the stair stood their little daughter, a child of five or six, wanting to go down to her mother, and wondering why she was not permitted. "Who is it, moder?" she whispered, as Mrs. Robertson passed her, following her husband and Isy. "Is she very dead?" "No, darling," answered her mother; "it is an angel that has lost her way, and is tired so tired!

"Land of Moder. I don't remember hearing of it before. Parents living?" "As to that, I know not if they be yet on live, sith it is many years that I have lain shut up in the castle." "Your name, please?" "I hight the Demoiselle Alisande la Carteloise, an it please you." "Do you know anybody here who can identify you?" "That were not likely, fair lord, I being come hither now for the first time."

"De young ladies an' de missus went out on de verandy dat look down de lawn, and Missy Roberta, de oldest one, said, 'Now, maumy, you can see the difference between our sogers an' de Linkum men, as you call dem. Missy Roberta had great black eyes an' was allus a-grievin' dat she wasn't a man so she could be a soger, but Missy S'wanee had blue eyes like her moder, an' was as full ob frolic as a kitten.

De fool fader and de fool moder, dey may live." "Brita! poor Brita!" the man said softly, and added some words in his own tongue. She pushed him away, then burst into wild weeping and sank down on the floor. "He will be her best comforter," the doctor said. "We will go now, and I will see them all to-morrow.

Now you mustn't take it unkindly if I remind you that as we don't know you, we must go a little slow. You may be all right, of course, and we'll hope that you are; but to take it for granted isn't business. You understand that. I'm obliged to ask you a few questions; just answer up fair and square, and don't be afraid. Where do you live, when you are at home?" "In the land of Moder, fair sir."

You hab his eyes, only you'se is bigger and of'n look as if you'se sorrowin' way down in you soul. Sometimes, eben wen you was a baby, you'd look so long an' fixed wid you big sad eyes as if you seed it all an' know'd it all dat I used to boo-hoo right out. Nuder times I'd be skeered, fer you'd reach out you'se little arms as ef you seed you'se moder an' wanted to go to her.