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My fader was most entirely attached to a lady for thirty years, who was in fact his mistress. She was the beautifullest creature and the cleverest, but, though my fader continued to pay my moder all possible respect, my poor moder could not suffer this attachment.

By un by de young man begin to pray hisself, and den he smiled, and den, oh, I neber can forget how Hannar Amander clapped her hands and shouted 'Now I know he's numbered wid de army ob de Lor'! kase he smiles. Dat was his first smile; but I can tell you, gemmen, it grew brighter and brighter, and by un by his face was all smiles, and he died saying he'd meet his moder and all ob us in Hebben, and praising de bressed Lor'!"

Has it any relation to your message to Bob to Major Willoughby, I mean?" demanded Mauo, nearly gasping for breath. "No relation, tell you," said Nick, a little angrily. "Why make relation, when no relation at all. Meredit'; no Willoughby. Ask moder; ask major; ask chaplain all tell trut'! No need to be so feelin'; no you fader, at all." "What can you what do you mean, Nick?

Well, one night we come in our friggit to anchor in bay of Algiers. I gits leave go ashore wi' tothers, runs right away to our Dey, who gits awrful waxy, sends for Breetish cap'n, 'splain that I's the son of a Turk by a Algerine moder an' wery nigh or'er the cap'n's head to be cutted off." "You don't say so?" "Yis, it's troo.

And withe oute the dores of the chirche, on the right syde, as men gon upward 18 Greces, seyde oure Lord to his moder, Mulier, ecce filius tuus; that is to seye, Woman, lo thi Sone. And aftre that, he seyde to John his disciple, Ecce mater tua; that is to seyne, Lo, behold thi modir: And these wordes he seyde on the cros.

'Den you hain't be sick no more. "'Ach ugh I'll hain't be able. Oh, I'll be so sick. An' I hain' got no place for scoop fish now no more. Frawce Seguin has rob my platform. "'Take de nex' one lower down, my moder she's say. "'Dat's Jawnny Leroi's. "'All right for dat. Jawnny he's hire for run timber to-day. "'Ugh I'll not be able for get up.

He was on a po'ful big hoss, an' he jes' break right through eb'ryting, an' was off wid de rest. De Linkum sogers followed on, firin' at 'em. "De missus fainted dead away, an' my moder held her in her arms. De head Linkum ossifer now rode up to de verandy an' took off his hat, an' he say: 'Ladies, I admire your co'age, but you should not 'spose yourselves so needlessly.

"How goes it, Tony?" questioned Spike, whereat the young Italian smiled, and thereafter sighed and shook his head. "Da beezeneez-a ver' good," he sighed, "da peanut-a sell-a all-a da time! But my lil' Pietro he sick, he no da same since his moder die-a, me no da same have-a none of da luck noding nix!" "Hard cheese, Tony!" quoth Spike. "But say, have you seen th' Spider kickin' around?"

"Press on, then, Wyandotté, for the sake of God let me, at least, die in defence of my beloved mother!" "Moder; good! Doctor Tuscarora, when death grin in face! She my moder, too!" This was said energetically, and in a manner to assure his listeners that they had a firm ally in this warlike savage.

I ask nothing better than that Christ will receive me as I would receive my child from world-wide wandering." "Ah, bress He big gret heart," cried Uncle Lusthah, dropping on his knees, "w'en yo' fader en yo' moder forsook you den de Lawd took you up." "Miss Baron, I wish to think a while and learn from Borden just how much time I have left. You will come to me again?" "Yes, whenever you wish."