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Wull, as I coom down the hill, I zeed a saight of volks astapping of the ro-udwai. Arl on 'em wi' girt goons, or two men out of dree wi' 'em. Rackon there wor dree score on 'em, tak smarl and beg togather laike; latt aloun the women and chillers; zum on em wi' matches blowing, tothers wi' flint-lacks. 'Wutt be up now? I says to Bill Blacksmith, as had knowledge of me: 'be the King acoomin?

"You'll be having one grand time to git shet o' the other two whichever one you DO take; they've been consoling themselves for your absence by stickin' together as thick as thieves: Where one goes, there goes 'tothers," laughed Shelby, who had gone down to the paddock with her. "Then let them come along if they want to," and Peggy joined in the laugh.

"No, sir, I harn't seen it. Let's see, I don't think I've been here only when I locked up." "By some mischance I left my desk unlocked when I went out in a hurry yesterday. Lindon here has found one piece on the floor." "P'r'aps tothers is there, too," said Jem eagerly. "No; we have looked. Call your wife. Perhaps she may have found them when sweeping." "Not she, sir," said Jem.

Longish way off, me tink. We was sent off from dem last night, after all de goods an' money was tooked out of us. What for, no kin tell. Where tothers go, no kin tell." "They've got lots of captives aboard, I suppose?" said the captain. "Ho! Great lots," replied the Singapore man. "And lots of treasure too, no doubt." "Ho! Very greater lots of dat."

"Well, I'll tell you what," said Bob, "we'll put the six biggest eels and the trout into a basket, and you shall take 'em home young jack and all; and them tothers I shall send up into the village to sell." This was considered to be a capital arrangement; and soon after, off the boys started with their basket tied tightly down to keep the eels from getting out during the journey.

"Him at the tiller, sir moon on his face. He's seen us. 'Tothers ain't not yet." The Tremendous crashed into a sea. The aftmost man on the lugger's gunwale turned. He saw the Avenger towering over him, dark wings spread, snow-drifts spurting before her. An awful horror convulsed his face. "King's ship!" came a ghastly-screaming treble. "Put back, Diamond!" The man at the tiller never stirred.

He is a most agile climber, and his tenacity and terminal resources in this direction are admirably depicted in that well known Methodist sermon, as follows: "An' you may shake one foot loose, but 'tothers thar; an' you may shake all his feet loose, but he laps his tail around the lim' an' he clings forever."

Well, one night we come in our friggit to anchor in bay of Algiers. I gits leave go ashore wi' tothers, runs right away to our Dey, who gits awrful waxy, sends for Breetish cap'n, 'splain that I's the son of a Turk by a Algerine moder an' wery nigh or'er the cap'n's head to be cutted off." "You don't say so?" "Yis, it's troo.

I guess its worth ary half dozen in these parts, let tothers be where they may. If I could a got supplied with the like o' them, I could a made a grand spec out of them, for they took at once, and went off quick. Have you got it with you, said Mr. Allen, I should like to see it.

To Edith they were exceedingly polite, and taking a seat in their midst she soon learned from a loquacious old lady, who seemed to be superannuated, that "they were all one family, she being the grandmother, Ike and Phillis the father and mother, and 'tothers the children. We're all Ber-NARDS," she said, "case that was ole marster's name, but now I dunno who we does 'long to.