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Updated: August 13, 2024

I say it myself, I said it only larst night in this here bar, and I say it again, for two pins I'd chuck my party. I would so. For two pins I'd chuck the country, and leave the whole lot to stew in their own grease." He addressed himself to his beer, and Jones, greatly marvelling, lit a cigarette. "Do you live here?" asked he. "Sh'd think I did," replied the other.

Stubbs. "Give me size. That was what my poor dear husband was always saying. He couldn't stand anything small. Gave him the creeps. And, strange as it may seem, my dear" here Mrs. Stubbs creaked and seemed to expand herself at the memory "it was dropsy that carried him off at the larst. Many's the time they drawn one and a half pints from 'im at the 'ospital... It seemed like a judgmint."

I c'n see each one as clear as anything. Why, what difference does that make, Johnny?" asked Toby. "But ther ought tuh be three, I tells yuh," insisted the bound boy; "wun two-year old, another built larst season, and the last un just this Spring. Yessir, three on 'em in all."

Larst May I was a-walkin' in the lanes o' Devon, an' down the 'ill comes a motor-car tearin' an' scorchin' for all it was worth, an' bang went somethin' at the bottom o' the thing, an' it stops suddint. Out jumps a French chauffy, parlyvooin' to hisself, an' out jumps the man what owns it an' takes off his goggles. 'This is Devonshire, my man? sez 'e to me. 'It is, I sez to 'im.

The father turned round with an expression of such sincere pride that Godwin, for all his loathing, was obliged to smile. 'Jowey, jest sye a few verses of poitry; them as you learnt larst. 'E's good at poitry, is Jowey. The boy broke into fearsome recitation: 'The silly buckits on the deck That 'ed so long rem'ined, I dreamt as they was filled with jew, End when I awowk, it r'ined.

"Not the first time I've got in at a winder, young gent, nor the larst, I bet. Not by a long way. See?" William followed more slowly. His eye gleamed with pride. This hero of romance and adventure was now his guest, under his roof. "Make yourself quite at home, Mr. Blank," he said with an air of intense politeness. Mr. Blank did. He emptied Mr. Brown's cigar-box into his pocket.

'How are you going to manage it, have you got any money? 'Got any money? My crikey! I look as though I 'ad, I sound as though I 'ad too! I ain't 'ad no brads, 'cept now and then a brown, this larst six months. 'How are you going to get a bed then? 'Ow am I going to? why, like this way. He picked up two stones, one in either hand.

Three of us chased him on horseback one day, but we didn't ketch him. So we made up our minds to git back on Dave some way or other, an' it come about this way. About six months arter the smoked-out darnce, four or five of us same fellers was campin' on th' Pipeclay agen, an' it was a dry season. It was dryer an' hotter than it was cold 'n' wet the larst time.

"Yis, Capting, thet's Sarmiento, an' nary doubt of it," pursues the old sealer. "I'd reck'noise thet mountin 'mong a millyun. "Why?" inquires the Captain, dubiously. "'Kase it ain't a bay at all; but the entrance to a soun' bearin' the name o' `Whale-Boat Soun'. An' thet's open water too, communicatin' wi' another known ez `Darwin Soun'' the which larst leads right inter the Beagle Channel."

Up at cock-crow, scrubbin' the floors, washin' the babies, feedin' the fowls or the pigs, peelin' the taters, makin' the pot boil, an' tryin' to make out 'ow twelve shillin's an' sixpence a week can be made to buy a pound's worth o' food, trapsin' to market, an' wonderin' whether the larst born in the cradle aint somehow got into the fire while mother's away, 'opin' an' prayin' for the Lord's sake as 'usband don't come 'ome blind drunk, where's the room for any selfishness in sich a life as that? the life lived by 'undreds o' wimin all over this 'ere blessed free country?

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