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Updated: August 29, 2024

I had reached the place where the Duchess wore the Emerelds to a ball, above white satin and lillies, the girl detective being dressed as a man and driving her there, because the Duchess had been warned and hautily refused to wear the paste copies she had when Sis said, peavishly: "Why don't you knit or do somthing useful, Bab?"

Now Elder White's idee of re-creatin' men is different; he believes in takin' bad men and re-creatin' 'em into good ones, and I wish that every minister on earth would go and do likewise." "I know nothin' about Elder White," sez Elder Wessel hautily. "He's our minister in Loontown," sez Arvilly. "He has his church open every night in the week for re-creatin' in the right way."

"I'm crazy about it. I've been back three times. Parts of it I know off by heart. He's very handsome. That picture don't do him justise." I gave her a searching glanse. Was it posible that, without any acquaintance with him whatever, she had fallen in love with him? It was indeed. She showed it in every line of her silly face. I drew myself up hautily.

She drew herself up more hautily, "Such a Prince as that hain't common in no country! Why he's so handsome and good the very birds in the trees will stop singin' to listen to his talk, and the grass turn brighter green where he's stepped on it, and the May-flowers peek up and blush with happiness if he looks at 'em." "How come you to leave him, Aunt Pheeny, if he wuz so perfect?"

It is what we are, not what we eat, or look like, or wear. I have given up everything, Hannah, to my Career." "You're young yet," said Hannah. "You used to be fond enough of the Boys." Hannah has been with us for years, so she gets rather talkey at times, and has to be sat upon. "I care nothing whatever for the Other Sex," I replied hautily.

He bagoned hautily to her with one finger, and she hastened to jine him. Such is females. And so true it is that love in either sect will rise up above naggin', or any other kind of pardner meanness. I went forward alone to see the Head Hunters. And I looked on the brown little folks with a feelin' of pity. How did I know they had ever had good advice? I felt here wuz a noble chance for a P. A.

"Well, that is what I thought you would say as fur as you could see into it," sez he hautily, and in the same axent he asked me if I had packed up a extra pair of socks for him. That afternoon I see Josiah and Serenus leanin' on the barnyard fence talkin' dretful earnest, I spozed about the Plan. But when I went to put my milk pans in the sun I hearn the same old story Coney Island! Dreamland!

And row boats would always be afraid of it, they'd be thinkin' it would be liable to come onto 'em at any time onbeknown to 'em, 'twouldn't have no whistle or anything." "Yes it would," sez Josiah hautily; "I laid out to fix it somehow with a whistle." "But it couldn't whistle itself if it sot off alone."

But he wuz driv most beyend his strength, and the cold wuz almost Klondikey, I could make allowance for him. Well, the next day passed, and the next and the next, and finally, jest four weeks and four days after he had guaranteed to have it finished, Jabez hautily announced, and Josiah proudly proclaimed, a fire could be started.

"A what?" sez I. "A mullin winder; what is that?" "Why a winder made out of mullins," sez he hautily. Sez I, "How do you make it? Mullin leaves are thick and the stalks tougher than fury, how do you make winders out of 'em?" "That," sez he proudly, "is the work of a architect to take stalks of the humble mullin and transfer it into a tall and stately winder."

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