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The half-sobered recruit glanced round for a moment, as if his first impulse were to express some gratitude for his preservation, but seeing them with this air of total unconcern, and having his wet pipe presented to him with an oath by the soldier who had been by far the most anxious of the party, he stuck it in his mouth, thrust his hands into his moist pockets, and without even shaking the water off his clothes, walked on board whistling; not to say as if nothing had happened, but as if he had meant to do it, and it had been a perfect success.

I found the rascal but half-sobered, so heavily had he liquored on the previous night, and I angrily bade him stay in bed for the rest of the day. Miss Hatherton did not come down to dinner, and I had for company in the coffee room Mr. Christopher Burley; there were no other guests in the house at the time. Neither of us was in a talkative mood, and very brief speech passed between us.

He uttered a yell that brought a number of his companions to the spot, and in another minute a score or so of half-sobered savages were ranging the forest in every direction like sleuth-hounds. "We must run!" exclaimed the Indian girl, as her quick ear caught the significant cries announcing the discovery of the escape. Now the flight became a panting scramble over logs and through bushes.

Another, and another; now a ragged boy, now a half-sobered crone, now a battered ruffian, and now a painted girl of the street, and at length one who starts when his name is called, as though something had exploded. "John Richling!" He came. "Stand there!" Some one is in the witness-stand, speaking. The prisoner partly hears, but does not see.

"Hello, Jim!" he cried at sight of the other. "Thought you'd be back, but, damn it, yer too late she's she's gone; almighty pretty girl, too. I told the boys it was a blame shame fer her ter run off thataway." "Who has run off?" And Westcott's hand crushed down on the man's shoulder with a force that half-sobered him. "What are you talking about?" "Me! Let up, will yer?

Albert touched his arm again. "Don't bother me!" said the man, impatiently, without removing his eyes from space. "Can't you let a fellow dream!" "Baron Danglars!" whispered Morcerf in his ear. "Eh? What?" cried Bouche-de-Miel, coming back to reality with a start, half-sobered by hearing this name. "Baron Danglars," repeated the Captain, in a guarded undertone, "I know you!"

So, turning upon him, I gravely reproved him for his remark. I told him that, in his language and his drunkenness, he was setting a bad example to his parish; that he should go at once to the curato, and not venture forth during the time that we remained in the town. Half-sobered by my order, he arose without a word, went to his house, and did not again appear for four days.

"It 'minds me o' the time las' winter that the wind blowed the door in, an' straight arter that the cow died." "Them signs air ez likely ter take hold on folks ez on cattle," said Jacob Smith, half-sobered by the shock. There was a look of sudden anxiety on the face of Solomon's mother. She crossed the room to the youngster rocking in the cradle. "Come, Benny," she said, "ye oughter go ter bed.

There was a peace and serenity upon them all, strangely at variance with the bewilderment and confusion of his own half-sobered thoughts, and yet impressive and welcome.