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"On the table," said one of them, and they deposited him there among the litter of his unprofitable books and papers. "Yance thinks a lot of a pair of deuces when he's liquored up," sighed the sheriff reflectively. "Too much," said the gay attorney. "A man has no business to play poker who drinks as much as he does. I wonder how much he dropped to-night." "Close to two hundred.

"My word," said I, to my friend, who had liquored himself out of one of the snuggest civil berths I know, "how you can spend your time with those blackguards, surpasses my comprehension." They amused him, he said. He must drink with them, or play whist with another set, whose cards he emphatically added, giving me to understand much thereby he did not like.

He rose promptly, and, with his outer garb, accompanied Lee Randon. His step was uncertain, and Lee put a hand under his elbow. "Liquored?" he asked casually. "Not in my brain," Peyton Morris returned: "it seems like I could never get drunk again; but my dam' feet are all over the place. Thanks for hanging on to me: I have an idea you are going to drop me pretty quickly."

"Here we three sit, from morning to night," continued the soldier; "bachelors all, well provisioned and better liquored, I grant you, but like so many well-fed anchorites, while two of the loveliest damsels in the island pine in solitude within a hundred feet of us, without tasting the homage of our sighs.

In another room I saw them marrying an old greasy boot to a young pliable buskin. Pantagruel was told that young buskin took old boot to have and to hold because she was of special leather, in good case, and waxed, seared, liquored, and greased to the purpose, even though it had been for the fisherman that went to bed with his boots on.

I also have "liquored up," but I cannot say that I enjoy the process. I do not intend hereby to accuse Americans of drinking much; but I maintain that what they do drink, they drink in the most uncomfortable manner that the imagination can devise. The greatest luxury at an English inn is one's tea, one's fire, and one's book. Such an arrangement is not practicable at an American hotel.

In America men do not sit and sip their liquor, but drink standing. Running, one might say for, be it hot or cold, mixed or "neat," it is gone in a gulp, and then the drinkers retire to their chairs to smoke, chew, and wait for the fresh invitation, "Let's all licker!" In a few seconds we had all liquored, and the players once more took their seats around the table.

Having liquored, we proceeded on our journey, keeping a sharp lookout for mill-seats and plantations as we rode along. "I left the worthy old man at Greenville, and sorry enough I was to part with him, for he talked a great deal, and he seemed to know a little about everything.

As for his lower spars, the rig was still more peculiar; first of all, he had on a pair of most comfortable woollen stockings, what we call fleecy hosiery and the beauties are peculiarly nice in this respect then a pair of strong fearnaught trowsers; over these again are drawn up another pair of stockings, thick, coarse, rig and furrowed as we call them in Scotland, and above all this were drawn a pair of long, well greased, and liquored boots, reaching half way up the thigh, and altogether impervious to wet.

He had been frequenting a bowl of punch subtly liquored, but too much sweetened. He leaned heavily on a new-comer as he began his story. The new-comer pushed Prissy aside with scant courtesy. "Ah, tell us a new one!" he said. "That's ancient history!" "What-what-what," Prissy stammered. "Who told you s'mush?" "Pet Bet. telephoned it to us this morning. I heard it from three other people to-day."

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