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Updated: August 16, 2024

"Hope am bery good fer 'sert, honey, but we want somep'n solider to start in on. You jes' set de table in de oder room, an' I'll be de brack raben dat'll pervide. Now you must min' kase I'se doing 'cording to Scripter, an' we neber hab no luck 'tall if we go agin Scripter." "Very well," said Mara, laughing, "you shall have your own way.

"What think you shall we wait till the warriors are asleep, or try to be off before the sentinel comes?" "Bess wait, if one t'ing. You got rifle got tomahawk got knife, eh?" "I have them all, though my rifle is a short distance behind me, and a little down the hill." "Dat bad nebber let go rifle on war-path. Well, YOU tomahawk him I scalp him dat'll do."

He seemed to fix a picture of it in his mind, though the letters and figures by themselves meant nothing to him. So when Tom told him the envelope contained the name and address of Miss Nestor, Eradicate needed nothing more. He rummaged about in some odds and ends in the corner of the laboratory, and brought out a strong, wooden box, which had a cover that screwed down. "Dat'll be de ticket!"

"'Tain't de money nor de lands dat'll do now!" moaned Hagar, beginning to sway back and forth; "it's only de Lord! De Lord's on de sea to-night, an' 'tain't fur man to say! Oh, Mas'r Dick! t'ink o' dat bressed boy in dese waves an' dis wind!" "Hush!" said the master, imperatively, "I will not think of it! It can't be! Noll? Oh, Hagar, I believe I'm going mad!"

And you knows all dat dese yer poor chillen wants dat dey hasn't axed for; and if dere's any ob 'em here, dat doesn't dare to speak out loud, and tell what dey does want, you can hear it jess as well, ef it is way down deep buried up in de heart; and oh, bressed Lord, do gib 'em de desires of de heart, 'less it's suffin dat'll hurt 'em, and den Lord don't gib it to 'em at all."

'Foh you answers, jes' keep in mind dat dis heah keg of dynermite I'se ridin' ain' got no shoes on, an' dese heah ropes is mighty rotten; an', ef we goes our best, de mule ain' gwine be de onlies' one dat'll need a hawse-doctor! I ain' got no nickel, no-way!" Timmie was shaking with mirth. "I wish you'd git yohse'f kilt," she affectionately laughed at him.

He seized Sam by the coat, led him aside and whispered: "Has ye heard 'bout de old man, name John Brown, dat come ter lead de niggers ter de promise' lan'?" "No, but I'se waitin' fur somebody ter lead me." "Come right on wid me, man. I'se a-goin' to a meetin' to-night an' jine de ban'. Will ye jine us?" "I jine anything dat'll lead me to de promise' lan'." "Come on.

"'Tain't de money nor de lands dat'll do, now," moaned Hagar; "it's only de Lord!" "But think of it, you ungrateful wretches!" cried Trafford, frantically, "the lad has done more for you and yours than you can ever repay! He went across the sea this time to do you good, and it's for your sakes that he's out in the peril yonder! Will you let him drown without even an attempt to save him? Will you?"

"Well, Sandy say dat'll do. En so Tenie tuk 'im down by de aidge er de swamp, not fur fum de quarters, en turnt 'im inter a big pine-tree, en sot 'im out 'mongs' some yuther trees.

The master laughed, "I believe you've got me there, Uncle Simon; well go along, but see that your flock is well tended." "Thanky, Mas' Gawge, thanky. I'll put a shepherd in my place dat'll put de food down so low dat de littles' lambs kin enjoy it, but'll mek it strong enough fu' de oldes' ewes." And with a profound bow the old man went down the steps and hobbled away.

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