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A friend to-day, an enemy to-morrow, as the saying is; and you may jist as well say it backwards; for, as things turn up, I'm no sich blasted enemy, jist now, no-way no-how. I'm for holding a peace talk, as the Injuns say, d n 'em, burying the axe, and taking a whiff or two at the kinnikinick of friendship. So cuss away, if it will do you good; and I'll stand it.

Another, no-way inferior to it, is the Moustel, about the same size; of a dark-grey colour, and short, blunt snout; growing thinner and flatter from the shoulders downwards, so as to resemble a soal at the tail. This cannot be the mustela of the antients, which is supposed to be the sea lamprey.

Besides, the puncture is no-way dangerous, and in general causes so little pain, that it often does not awaken the person till after the bat has withdrawn. The 4th of April was the last day we passed on the Rio Apure. The vegetation of its banks became more and more uniform.

Sometimes she listened with head aside, sometimes moaned, sometimes wept outright, and sometimes she muttered to herself in noises such as none had heard from her lips before. The bondwomen could find no-way to comfort her. Indeed, the trouble of her heart took hold of them.

"Mercy me, ain't that nice quite toney. I hope he'll win if Mister Bobo's horse don't." "Nal," whispered Mandy, "you've not been betting against Comet, have you?" "That's what I have, Mandy. I've got my hull stack o' chips on this yere half-mile dash." "But, Nal, Comet will win sure. Grandfather's crazy about the colt. He says he can't lose no-way." "That's all right," said Nal.

'Foh you answers, jes' keep in mind dat dis heah keg of dynermite I'se ridin' ain' got no shoes on, an' dese heah ropes is mighty rotten; an', ef we goes our best, de mule ain' gwine be de onlies' one dat'll need a hawse-doctor! I ain' got no nickel, no-way!" Timmie was shaking with mirth. "I wish you'd git yohse'f kilt," she affectionately laughed at him.