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Now in the fur loft many hands were busily engaged in sorting, folding, and packing in collapsible moulds that determined the size and shape of the fur packs a great variety of skins. Also they were energetically weighing, cording, and covering the fur packs with burlap leaving two ears of that material at each end to facilitate handling them, as each pack weighed eighty pounds.

The sleeves of her gown were strapped round with cording to divide the puffs, which for some little time fashion has substituted for the large sleeves which had grown too monstrous.

He would be better off ashore, for the time being, where he could get medical treatment. So the big motor boat swept out of the blue lagoon, and headed for St. Kitts, for it was planned to leave Ben, and once more take up the search. They had not been under way more than an hour, however, before Jack, who was steering, uttered a cry. "There's a boat cording toward us!" he said.

Then, very carefully, he extracted a packet of papers, yellow and old, bound with heavy cording. Beneath this packet was a medal of the Legion of Honor, some rose leaves, and a small glove. "Know what I think?" said the admiral, stilling the shake in his voice. "This belonged to that mysterious Frenchman who lived here eighty years ago. I'll wager that medal cost some blood.

They bought, also in London, about thirteen feet of cording, a pulley and, on returning to Paris on July 20, some twenty feet of packing-cloth, which Gabrielle, sitting at her window on the fine summer evenings, sewed up into a large bag. The necessary ground-floor apartment had been found at No. 3 Rue Tronson-Ducoudray. Here Gabrielle installed herself on July 24.

"'You bet, says Tom Toothacre, under the berth; and he said he had the greatest mind to catch the critter by the feet as she was a standin' there, but somehow thought it would be better fun to see the thing through 'cording as they'd planned it.

"Not more than fifteen miles if it is that, 'cording ter my calcerlations," decided Pete. "Then we should arrive there by ten o'clock to-night." "About that time yep. That is, if none of ther stock give out beforehand." "Why do they call it the Haunted Mesa?" inquired Jack. "Some fool old Injun notion 'bout ghosts er spirits hauntin' it," rejoined Pete.

A kafir arrived then with the lantern Mills had designed for the Frenchman, and by its light he was able to see the faces of the men. They were all known to him. The man who was cording the prisoner's arms had seen his daring work at Mandega's. He knelt on the prostrate form as he worked, and the Frenchman's face showed like a waxen mask on the ground.

"I don't want ter fight," replied Clo, "'taint my way only I knows my persition and I 'spects ter be treated 'cording." The handkerchief was something Clo had coveted for a long time, and the gift quite restored her good-humor. "Dat's as it orter be," said 'Dolf.

Byfield leaves us to expatiate in realms untrodden by the foot of man "'The feathered tribes on pinions cleave the air; Not so the mackerel, and, still less, the bear. But Byfield does it Byfield in his Monster Foolardi. But he'll come back oh, never doubt he'll come back! and begin the dam business over again. Tha's the law 'gravity 'cording to Byfield." Mr.