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Updated: August 23, 2024

Ebers," I said, as my portly Sergeant again emerged from out the darkness, "take your four men back to the kitchen and assume command. The guerillas are preparing to make a rush there, and you must drive them back by rapid fire. Hurry along now." "By Chiminy, but I vos glad to git in der kitchen, anyhow. Is der anyting cold to put in der stomach in dot bantry?" he asked anxiously.

"Oppose them! Holy smoke, man, you don't think I'd sit here with my hands folded and let a lot of rascally mestizos wreck my property, do you?" "I should remarg idt not," puffed Herr Geisler. "But, sir, there are only five of us here. How long do you suppose we could stick it out?" "Till der lastd oldt cat be dead, py chiminy!" exploded the German. "Herr Merrill, you are all righd.

"So no doubt would all of us; but I have no time for mere talk. Did you meet with any trouble during the night?" "Troubles? By Chiminy, yes, Captain, I vos hongry for six hour. I have took der belt oop dree time already, an' I vos empty yet. Troubles? Donnerwetter, it is all troubles." "Not that," sternly. "I mean, have the enemy kept you busy?"

"Hey!" squawked Hans. "Who threw me at dot brick? Vos dot der vay you vill dood us upness? Py Chiminy! You fellers vant to vade right in und let it try you. I pelief ve can play paseball all aroundt yoursellufs. You vos challenched to meet us a game into. Yah! Vill you exception dot challench?" "Where's the interpreter?" asked Spark. "Der vot?" "The interpreter." "Vot you vant py him?"

Allen, let's be getting forward, I can hardly wait till I see my boy." The horses plunged forward and clattered down the hillside. Geisler watched them till a bend in the road below hid them from view. Then he turned slowly to reenter the stockade. "Py chiminy," he muttered, emitting huge clouds of blue smoke, "I dink me dere vos a vood-pile in dot nigger, py cracious."

"You can have fifteen minutes more to complete filling up. In half an hour from now have the men ready for the road." "But, Captain," he protested, "I vould rattle so mit my insides, by Chiminy, dot der horse vould scare." "Do exactly as I say, and no more words, Sergeant," and I turned and left the room. We must depart, and at once. More than ever now I realized the necessity for haste.

By Chiminy! you vos a lucky poy, Part; but I don'd blame her when I see tears in her eyes because she knows I vos not marreed mineselluf." "You come here," invited Gallup, as he grasped Hans' arm and turned him toward Teresa. "I jest want to knock you daown to my wife. Mrs. Gallup, this hot dog is my old friend, Hans Dunnerwurst, that I've told ye about more'n once."

Where is my father?" gasped Jack, all in one breath. "Himmel!" sputtered the German. "Oh, diss is an onloocky day, py chiminy. A young feller rode it to der mine, early to-day, undt told your fader dot you vos wounded, and " "My father went with this fellow?" demanded the boy, his eyes blazing with eagerness and anxiety. "Ches. He thought dot idt vos all righdt, und "

"By Chiminy, I am, Captain; der skin vos rubbed off me by der saddle," he answered, touching the afflicted part tenderly. "It vos der rackin' gait mit der horse vot did it. He is der vorst horse dot ever I ride." "Well, get as comfortable as you can, and I'll try to be more thoughtful in the future. Bungay, what has become of Maria?" The little man's eyes suddenly filled with tears.

Oh, not by a Vestphalia ham! Here I am, und here I shtay shtuck, py chiminy!" The mine owner gave his faithful super a grateful look, and then snatched up his soft hat with a brisk movement. "Come, Geisler," he said, "let us take a look around. Possibly, in the event of an attack, there may be one or two places that will need strengthening."

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