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Slowly he read aloud: "DERE Miss CLAUDIA, The chillern is near bout set me crazy sence I tole 'em I was agoin' to ask you to do me some favors which is to buy for me some New York krismus presents.

At length a bright idea struck her and turning to Cynthia she announced: "Why, Sis' Cynthia, I believes yo' tryin' ter projec' wid me; dat clock don' STRIKE 'TALL. But I 'clar I mus' be a-humpin' masef todes dera chillern. I shore mus'." "Yes, I'd 'vise it pintedly," asserted Cynthia, while Mammy Lucy added: "It's sprisin' how some folks juties slips dey min's."

I shall have Deb one week out of six." "I shall come," answered Unity. "Where is Deb?" "She is asleep. She cried herself to sleep." "Chillern cry jes' fer nothin' at all," put in Mammy Chloe. "Don' you worry, honey! Miss Deb's all right. I's gwine wake her now, an' wash her face, an' slip on her li'l white dress. She's gwine be jes' ez peart an' ez happy! My Lawd! Miss Deb jes' gainin' a brother!"

'T'was the first city in the United States to have 'em, Richmond was. They thought them mules was wore out, but there ain't no friskier ones in the county than they is, I tell you now. I ain't been home for four years " "And your mother is eighty?" "Yes, sir, that's what they tell me, though she say she don't know herself 'ceptin' she had four chillern which was good size when the war broke out.

It struck me afterwards that this was not very complimentary to him, and I added hastily that I wondered if she expected some young lady to be passing along the trail at midnight! But this reminded me of Johnson's style of argument, and I stopped. "Yes," he said meekly, "and ef she didn't keer enough for herself and her brothers and sisters, she orter remember them Beazeley chillern."

Now ther's Tom-Jeff, braggin' how he'll be the one to kill the pappy o' Nan's chillern: he's a-ridin' a mighty shore-footed hawss, but hit do look like he'd be skeered the Lord might take him at his word and make that hawss stumble. Hit do, for a fact!"

Only once was her passionate attention distracted, and that was when Pete in passing gave her an emphatic nudge and a friendly grin as he munificently bestowed upon her a package of gum. This she instantly pocketed "fer the chillern." At the close of the performance Amarilly sailed home on waves of excitement.

He was instantly surrounded by the entire throng, whom he regarded with superb disdain and spoke of as "you chillern." "G' on, you chillern, whar you is gwine, and meek you' noise somewhar else, an' keep out o' my way. I want to git some hyahs!"

Loramity sake come in and lemme shet the door. Dere, go to de fire, chillern! Name o' de law what fetch you out dis bitter night? Wind sharp nuff to peel de skin right offen your faces!" "Your mistress sent word that she wished to see Nora this evening, Jovial.