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"Yas'm, I guesses I better, an' I reckons I better git me a belt an' some shoes, 'case if I gotter be oneasy in ma min' dars no sort o' reason fer ma bein' uneasy in ma FOOTS too, ner dem chillern neither. Dey ain' never is had shoes all 'roun' ter onct, but I reckons dey better he fitted out right fer dey daddy's funeral. Dey can't tend it hut onct in all dey life-times no how.

Minnie is the meekest and don't look for much but she wants a bracelet awful bad. "3 A box of paper and envellopes for Maizzie Maizzie's got a bow. He lives in the next county. I don't let the chillern say nothin'. I'm 'fraid they'll scare the ducks. "4 A wax doll in pink tarlton for Rosy. She won't be here next krismus.

"Well, you have certainly got to have some black clothes right off. It would be dreadful not to have proper mourning for Joshua." Meanwhile Peggy and Polly had fled into the next room. "I sho' mus', ma'am. How could I a-been so 'crastinatin' an' po' Joshua a-dyin' all dese hyer weeks. I am' been 'spectful to his chillern; dat I ain't.

"Look here, boys; I ain' got time to fool with you chillern," said the old man. "Ain't you hear your ma tell me she 'pend on me to bury that silver what yo' gran'ma and gran'pa used to eat off o' an' don' wan' nobody to know nothin' 'bout it? An' y' all comin' here with guns, like you huntin' squ'rr'ls, an' now talkin' 'bout wadin' in the ditch!"

My old woman told me to give ye that when I did, and say that she 'didn't keep no hotel. But she allowed she'd keep the letter, and has spelled it out to the chillern." Here was the opportunity I had longed for to touch Johnson's pride and affection in the brave but unprotected girl. "I want to talk to you about Miss Johnson," I said, eagerly. "I reckon so," he said, with an exasperating smile.

Eberybody skurryin' in f'om de storm. Jes' some niggahs wid mules, an' a passel ob chillern, an' a man I don' know. Dey ain' stop ter speak ter me, an I ain' stop ter speak ter dem." Rand leaned from his saddle and laid the butt of his riding-whip upon the boy's shoulder. "Look at me, Young Isham." "Yaas, marster." "You did not leave me at the ford.

Hudgers looked incredulous. "I seen the chillern agoin' hum from school," she maintained. "Them was the Jenkinses, Iry hez come down with the scarlit fever, and they're all in quarrytine." "How you talk! Wait till I put the kittle offen the bile." The two neighbors sat down to discuss this affliction with the ready sympathy of the poor for the poor.

Days passed and poor Joshua grew no better, Minervy meanwhile spending most of her time in Aunt Cynthia's kitchen where she could sustain the inner woman with many a tidbit from the white folks' table, and speculate upon what was likely to become of them if her "pore lil chillern were left widderless orphans."

Uncle Limpy-Jack basely deserted us after getting the promise of our gold dollars, declaring that he "told dem boys dat huntin' ole hyahs warn' no business for chillern!" We knew that we had to "face the condign." There was no maudlin sentiment in that region. Solomon was truly believed to have been the wisest of men, and at least one of his decrees was still acted on in that pious community.

Later Minervy and her "nine haid ob chillern" betook themselves into the town of Annapolis where matrimonial opportunities were greater, and, sure enough, before two months were gone by she presented herself to Peggy, smiling and coy, to ask: "Please, ma'am, is yo' got any ol' white stuff wha' I could use fer a bridal veil?" "A BRIDAL veil?" repeated Peggy, horrified at this new development.