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If your debt is bigger than mine, you shall have the first chance." The gas-flash came again. There was black wrath in the man's eyes. "You can tote it up for yourself, Tom-Jeff Gordon. Late yeste'day evening when me and Nan Bryerson drove to town for your Uncle Silas to marry us, she told me what I'd been mistrustin' for a month back that Vint Farley was the daddy o' her chillern.

But Bob says he don't see what's the use; somethin's sure to happen her; somethin' allers does happen to him an' to his chillern." "Is that why he thinks he's cursed because 'something always happens?" asked Gentleman Bill, indifferently. "Sart'in; an' it's so, as sure as yer born. Nothin' never pans out long with Bob Matheny. His beginnin's is all good, an' his endin's all bad.

It was quite dark when he returned, but as he came in the proof of the boys' success was written on his face. He was in a broad grin. To his mistress's inquiry he replied, "Yes'm, they's got 'em, sho' 'nough. They's the beatenes' boys!" For some time afterward he would every now and then break into a chuckle of amused content and exclaim, "Them's right smart chillern."

"David an' Cephas, an' ole brer Mingo, Saul an' Paul, an' de w'ite folk sinners Oh, my chillern, follow de Lawd!" Supper was eaten in silence. When it was over, Gideon Rand sat with his back against a pine and smoked his pipe. His son went down to the river and stretched his length upon a mossed and lichened boulder.

"Sam he wants a harmonicum, and Bobbie he just set his hart on a sled. I don't reckon you can get that in your trunk, and ifen you can't a necktie will have to do. The other chillern is so small it don't make no difference what you get for them, any little thing you can pick up will please 'em. They is all so excited about havin' presents from New York that they's plum crazy.

"Well, you come out and help us hunt for them," said the boys to the old driver. "Go 'way, boy, I ain' got time foolin' wid you chillern, buildin' pen in swamp. There ain't no hogs in them woods, onless they got in dyah sence las' fall." "You saw 'em, didn't you, Willy?" declared Frank. "Yes, I did." "Go 'way.

As the boys went back to wash and dress themselves, they heard Balla explaining to Lucy Ann and some of the other servants that "the man them chillern let git away had just come back and tooken out the one he had locked up"; a solution of the mystery he always stoutly insisted upon.

"And huntin' f'r eggs and swimmin' in the river and skatin' and gettin' hickory nuts and all the apples you kin eat," persuaded Bobby, who had evidently been listening to the Boarder's fancies of farm life. "Thar's a school close by, and all the chillern kin go," said the mother anxiously. "Mebby you kin git to teach it after a while, Amarilly."

Harold's room, and without pausing to see whom she was falling upon, flung her arms about that startled woman, shrieking: "He's daid! He's daid! Dem pore chillern is all widderless orphans. I felt it a-comin'! Who' gwine feed an' clothe and shelter dose pore lambs? Ma heart's done bruck! Done bruck!" "Minervy! Minervy! Do you know what you are doing! Let go of Mrs.

Polly, who had closely followed the story, albeit with the embellishments of her own imagination, made her eyes rounder than ever. A bland smile broke on Wan Lee's face, as, to the children's amazement, he quietly disengaged himself from the group and stepped before the leader. "Melican man plenty foolee Melican chillern. No foolee China boy! China boy knowee you. You no Led Lofer.