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'Friend, said the man, 'I am an honest Quaker, can'st thou tell me if thou art the owner of this, for I leave for my home in Albany in the morning, and want not to be burdened with it. After an exchange of civilities that satisfied me he was a gentleman, I told him it was none of mine.

Then let me die in peace, since I have lived to see all that my soul desires in Sylvia's being mine; perplex not thy soft heart with fears or jealousies, nor think so basely, so poorly of my love, to need more oaths or vows; yet to confirm thee, I would swear my breath away; but oh, it needs not here; take then no care, my lovely dear, turn not thy charming eyes or thoughts on afflicting objects; oh think not on what thou hast abandoned, but what thou art arrived to; look forward on the joys of love and youth, for I will dedicate all my remaining life to render thine serene and glad; and yet, my Sylvia, thou art so dear to me, so wondrous precious to my soul, that in my extravagance of love, I fear I shall grow a troublesome and wearying coxcomb, shall dread every look thou givest away from me a smile will make me rave, a sigh or touch make me commit a murder on the happy slave, or my own jealous heart, but all the world besides is Sylvia's, all but another lover; but I rave and run too fast away; ages must pass a tedious term of years before I can be jealous, or conceive thou can'st be weary of Philander I will be so fond, so doting, and so playing, thou shalt not have an idle minute to throw away a look in, or a thought on any other; no, no, I have thee now, and will maintain my right by dint and force of love oh, I am wild to see thee but, Sylvia, I am wounded do not be frighted though, for it is not much or dangerous, but very troublesome, since it permits me not to fly to Sylvia, but she must come to me in order to it.

Duke of Sant' Agata, though a noble of high lineage and illustrious name, and though lord of many vassals, thou art not a power thou can'st not declare thy palace in Venice a fortress, nor send a herald to the Doge with defiance." "True, reverend monk; I cannot do this nor would it be well for him who could, to trust his fortune on so reckless a risk. But the states of St.

The Lord looked on him and said: "Well, it may be tried. But here is a cold and proud answerer, David. I misdoubt me whether it be worth while bringing him home." David looked timidly on Ralph and said: "Thou hast paid the price for him, lord." "Yea, that is true," said the Lord. "Thou! can'st thou play at the chess?" "Yea," said Ralph. "Can'st thou music?" said the other.

Having once begun he stumbled on, but half aware of how each word he uttered hurt her, eager only to have done with the whole sorry scene. "Thou art but a little wild flower. Thou couldst not live away from this, thy sunny island. Can'st thou not understand, my Wildenai?" He paused, waiting for a reply; but the maiden answered nothing.

He nought but sighs and calls upon your name, And vows you are the cruell'st Maid that breathes. Am. Thou can'st not be in earnest sure. Oli. I'll swear I am, and so is he. Am. Nay, thou hast a hard task on't, to make Vows to all the Women he makes love to; Indeed I pity thee; ha, ha, ha. Oli. You should not laugh at those you have undone. Aminta sings.

Can'st not give him a specimen of that pertness which thou hast exercised upon me sometimes? Did he not, my dear father and mother, deserve all the truth to be told? Yet I overcame myself so far, as to say, Well, your honour may play upon a poor girl, that you know call answer you, but dare not. Why, pr'ythee now, insinuator, said he, say the worst you can before Longman and Mrs. Jervis.

"Come forth, oh lady fair, Dear spirit of the air, We long to see thy face, Thy form of airy grace. Some things we long to know Thou well can'st tell, I trow." For a moment not a sound save the soft music was heard. Then, a rustling as of silken draperies, or like wind among the leaves, and the branches parted, and Iris Vandmere, radiant, smiling, extended her pretty hands in greeting.

"But I pity thy delusion," he added, after a brief pause, "and bid thee remember, that if thou hast access to the word, and turnest from it, thou can'st not make the plea of ignorance, in extenuation of thy crime."

Solmes at the Ranger's Lodge, a mile distant, said to her old husband: "Thou'rt a bad ma-an, Stephen, to leave thy goon about lwoaded, and the vary yoong boy handy to any mischief. Can'st thou not bide till there coom time for the lwoadin' of it?" Said old Stephen sharply, "Gwun, wench? There be no gwun. 'Tis a roifle!