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Updated: September 7, 2024

These wars continued until 1627 A. D. when the Manchurian invaders regarded their conquest as sufficiently assured to warrant them in imposing their commands upon their Chinese vassals. At that time the Manchus partly shaved their head and wore braided queues.

Do not call for thy vassals, for they are mine also,” said the knight; “and do not be angry with me, for I have already kissed thee.” “Then thou art surely my brave lord,” said Lady Clare; “but how wilt thou prove thyself?” “By the golden ring with seven gems which I divided with thee when I left,” answered the knight. “Here is my half; where is thine?”

M'Quarrie insisted that the mercheta mulierum, mentioned in our old charters, did really mean the privilege which a lord of a manor, or a baron, had, to have the first night of all his vassals' wives. I suppose, Ulva is the only place where this custom remains.

Thus the great vassals of Ivrea, Verona, Tuscany, and Spoleto raised themselves against Pavia. The monarchs, placed between the Papacy and their ambitious nobles, were unable to consolidate the realm; and when Berengar, the last independent sovereign strove to enforce the declining authority of Pavia, he was met with the resistance and the hatred of the nation.

Also, when Frode saw that the cost of keeping up his army grew daily harder to bear, he sent Roller to Norway, Olmar to Sweden, King Onef and Glomer, a rover captain, to the Orkneys for supplies, each with his own forces. Thirty kings followed Frode, and were his friends or vassals. But when Hun heard that Frode had sent away his forces he mustered another and a fresh army.

"Summon and arm all our vassals, and await the sheriff's orders; the king will communicate to us through him. We know not yet where the danger is." "Perhaps it is only a false alarm," said Bertric. "God grant it; but I dare not hope as much." Alfgar was very silent. Well he might be.

I entreat that privileges be granted to the residents and inhabitants of New Spain and that you will consider services to have been rendered, since that people have loyally done their duty to this moment, and will ever do as true vassals.

Presently Alvar Fanez came up: the shield which hung from his neck was all battered: more than twenty Moors had he slain, and the blood was running from his wrist to his elbow. Thanks be to God, said he, and to the Father who is on high, and to you, Cid, we have won the day. All these spoils are yours and your vassals.

Miles Coverdale, where are you?" they cried. "Zenobia! Queen Zenobia! here is one of your vassals lurking in the wood. Command him to approach and pay his duty!" The whole fantastic rabble forthwith streamed off in pursuit of me, so that I was like a mad poet hunted by chimeras.

At open doors, across whose thresholds no woman of position ever sets a foot, wealth stands on guard. Silence seals the portals. The vassals of gold wait in velvet slippers. The laws of possession are enforced by the dangers of any trespass on these Western harems. While the queen city of the West rises rapidly it is only a modern Babylon on the hills of the bay. The influx augments all classes.

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