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Updated: September 19, 2024

'To send out to apprehend her; but it is too distant to send to Mac- Morlan, and Sir Robert Hazlewood is a pompous coxcomb; besides, the chance of not finding her upon the spot, or that the humour of silence that seized her before may again return. No, I will not, to save being thought a fool, neglect the course she points out.

Poor Jean Jacques, love on at thy ease, in all safety of conscience, and be not afraid that thy sighs will be prejudicial to Saint Lambert. It has been seen that I never was a coxcomb, not even in my youth.

Summerlee thrust out his chin, with its little wagging tuft of goatee beard. "I would have you know, sir, that, young or old, there has never been a time in my life when I was afraid to speak my mind to an ignorant coxcomb yes, sir, an ignorant coxcomb, if you had as many titles as slaves could invent and fools could adopt."

She expressed such astonishment, and so much concern at this catastrophe of our night's frolic, and blamed herself with so many oaths, and execrated Lawless for a coxcomb, so much to the ease and satisfaction of my conscience, that I was confirmed in my good opinion of her, and indeed felt for her the most lively affection and esteem; for observe, with me esteem ever followed affection, instead of affection following esteem.

Put her in the very centre and summit of social grandeur, she will at once aspire to reign over all hearts often because it is out of her power to be the happy queen of one. Dress and manner and coquetry are all meant to please one of the poorest creatures extant the brainless coxcomb, whose handsome face is his sole merit; it was for such as these that women threw themselves away.

At last old Porson asked: "Pri'thee, sir, whence comes that quotation?" "From Sophocles," quoth the vain fellow. "Be so kind as to find it for me?" asked Porson, producing a copy of Sophocles from his pocket. Then the coxcomb, not at all abashed, said that he meant not Sophocles, but Euripides.

It was not, even in those good old times, a sight of every day to see a troubadour and a friar playing at single-stick by the side of a river, each aiming with fell intent at the other's coxcomb. The parties were both so skilled in attack and defence, that their mutual efforts for a long time expended themselves in quick and loud rappings on each other's oaken staves.

"Ah, you ladies understand these things," said Mr. Bult, none the less convinced that these things were frivolous because Klesmer had shown himself a coxcomb. Catherine, always sorry when Klesmer gave himself airs, found an opportunity the next day in the music-room to say, "Why were you so heated last night with Mr. Bult? He meant no harm."

And so it came out, that having purchased Salmonfalls, the rector had compromised the territorial war that was on the point of breaking out among his parishioners, by exchanging with that old coxcomb Langley, the great square pew over the way, that belonged to that house, for the queer little crib in which the tenant of Inchicore had hitherto sat in state; and so there was peace, if not good will, in the church.

It must come to a tussle face to face; and then we'll see how a coxcomb can front a man!" Without further reflection the fallen merchant, bent on some wild purpose, ate a hasty dinner and went forth to find Farfrae.

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