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Updated: August 12, 2024

I was a-gwyne for de chile, but jis' den it was a do' dat open innerds jis' den, 'long come de wind en slam it to, behine de chile, ker-BLAM! en my lan', de chile never move'! My breff mos' hop outer me; en I feel so so I doan' know HOW I feel.

"Aren't you coming, Dinah?" asked Mrs. Bobbsey, as they all started for the lower part of the houseboat. "No'm, I'll jest stay up heah an' an' git a breff ob fresh air," said the colored cook. "Come on, children," called Mr. Bobbsey, with a laugh. "We'll very soon find out what it was." They went down off the deck, to the passageway between the kitchen and dining-room.

It's out upon the water. Do you not hear them?" "Hush! Lilly Lally," answered the negro, speaking down to his protege in a sort of hoarse whisper; "hush, Lilly, pet; doan you 'peak above him Lilly Breff. Keep 'till, dat a good gal."

I was a-gwyne for de chile, but jis' den it was a do' dat open innerds jis' den, 'long come de wind en slam it to, behine de chile, ker-BLAM! en my lan', de chile never move'! My breff mos' hop outer me; en I feel so so I doan' know HOW I feel.

Den I said dis is no place for dis darkey, and I gits; dats what I does, and I corned along pretty fas' and I got wid de wagons, and pretty soon de hossmen ob de Sesh I b'leves dey calls 'em cabalry dey come on de run and burned up de wagons and slashed 'bout and cussed about de Yanks and swared about de niggers and skeered me out ob my breff.

"In dat case Ah gwine lay yo' down on de groun' to fin' yo' breff." Sambo's idea of laying Tom down was to give him a violent twist that brought the lad flat on the ground at his captor's feet. Then the negro sat on his captive to make sure that the latter did not escape. "Take yo' time -ah got plenty," grimaced the black man. Slowly the beaten-out breath came back to Tom Reade.

But filled as much as you could fill me, bless your 'eart. I aren't never goin' to forget that, Gov'nor no fear. An eater and a scrapper I am, sir; and I'll scrap for you, sir, while there's a bloomin' breff left in my blessed body! Gimme the tip wot kind of work I can do for you, Gov'nor, will you? I want to get them two 'arf-crowns off my conscience as quick as I can."

It's very queer, but Sam believe it, and then she sing, 'Come unto me. You ever hear it?" Adah nodded, and Sam went on. "But you never hear Miss Ellis sing it. Oh, so fine, the very rafters hold their breff, and Sam find the way at last." "Where is Miss Ellis now?" Adah asked, and Sam replied: "Gone to Masser what you say once. She gived me five dollars and then ask what else.

"O Lord!" cried the negro, "ef Mist' Dode was hyur! Him's goin', an' him's las' breff is given ter de beast! Mars' Joe," calling in his ear, "fur God's sake say um prayer!" The man moved restlessly, half-conscious. "I wish David was here, to pray for me." The negro gritted his teeth, choking down an oath. "I wish, I thort I'd die at home, allays. That bed I've slep' in come thirty years.

I know it by their ways. Don't lose a stroke, Snowy. We may tire 'em out yet." "Nebba fear fo' me, Massa Brace!" replied the Coromantee. "A keep pullin' so long's de be a poun' o' trength in ma arms, or a bit o' breff in ma body. Nebba fear!" It might appear as though the crew of the Catamaran were now contending against fate, and without hope.

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