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So Conchita for a new name had been given to her with that terrible sea christening received her first lessons in Spanish; and she proved a most intelligent pupil. Before long she could prattle to Feliu; she would watch for his return of evenings, and announce his coming with "Aqui viene mi papacito?" she learned, too, from Carmen, many little caresses of speech to greet him with.

The first thing that his eyes used to see in the chapel of Santa Barbara was a chest nailed to the wall high above him, a sepulcher of painted wood with no other adornment than the inscription: "Aqui yace Doña Constansa Augusta, Emperatriz de Grecia," Here lies Constance Augusta, Empress of Greece. The name of Greece always had the power of exciting the little fellow's imagination.

Immediately on entering he exclaimed, Paremos aqui en el nombre de Dios, Let us stay here in the name of God. He immediately landed and began to erect a fortress, which was named Nombre de Dios, from the above mentioned expression.

I do not like that soldier he appears mean and cunning and I have heard is a bad fellow, though favoured by the Comandante. God forfend he should have gotten this paper! I shall lose no more time. I shall call Vicenza, and question her." She stepped forward to the parapet that overlooked the patio. "Vicenza! Vicenza!" "Aqui, Senorita," answered a voice from the interior of the house. "Ven aca!

Were we travelling in Provence, in the neighborhood of Aix, we should encounter, peradventure, some peasant who, whilst pointing out to us the summit of a lull whereon, in all probability, Marius offered, nineteen hundred and forty years ago, that glorious sacrifice, would say to us in his native dialect, "Aqui es lou deloubre do la Vittoria:" "There is the temple of victory."

"What appears to be a solid wall of rock confronts us. It is actually a cunningly-contrived door giving entrance to a series of caves which Nature must surely have constructed for my use. And El Diablo Cojuelo has improved on nature. He aqui!"

He pointed at two mounds of freshly disturbed earth a few feet from the road. "Read what's written over 'em, and take yore choice." Kid Wolf saw that two headboards had been erected near the shallow graves. One of them had the following significant epitaph written on it in neatly printed Spanish: Aqui llacen restos de Kid Wolf.

Alas! before a woman who is cold, how mad a man must appear when desire renders him alternately angry and tender, insolent and abject, biting as an epigram and soothing as a madrigal; when he enacts with more or less sprightliness the scene where, in Venice Preserved, the genius of Orway has represented the senator Antonio, repeating a hundred times over at the feet of Aquilina: "Aquilina, Quilina, Lina, Aqui, Nacki!" without winning from her aught save the stroke of her whip, inasmuch as he has undertaken to fawn upon her like a dog.

DON EDUARDO. Qué miedo tenía que D. Pedro no quisiera prestarse a mi proyecto sin saber antes ... y también que el buen Bruno ... pero hasta aquí todo va viento en popa; ahora sólo falta el que Matilde venga, y me ocasión para entablar la comedia ... porque si no consigo hablarla, entonces no cómo podré.... BRUNO. Pues ... lo mismo que su padre. DON EDUARDO. ¡Malo!

She ran into the kitchen and grabbed a scouring pad to abrade away the stiffness before it all began to make her face crack. When she woke up she saw the mail truck drive away. Then the door opened and a woman stepped out with a stack of envelopes in her hands. "Hispanic Betty," Gabriele asked, "The mail has already come?" "Aqui esta, senora." "Anything important?"