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"Don't let him take me back!" she cried, sitting up. "I tell you, he is El Diablo Cojuelo!" "Alla right, señorita, you secure from El Diablo Cojuelo now," said the officer. "Yes, you are safe from El Diablo Cojuelo now, Myra," said Don Carlos, moving nearer, "and explanations can wait until we get to the Castle."

"El Diablo Cojuelo has never broken his word and has kept his every promise, yet you dare to suggest he would not fight fair. Let me insult you in return, Señor Standish, by suggesting you are too much of a coward to fight for the girl you profess to love, and would surrender her rather than suffer pain." "Confound you, you ruffian!

That would be something like treachery, but it was treachery on his part to kidnap me while I was his guest.... I shall wait and see how he behaves before deciding." She had to wait longer than she anticipated, for she found that "El Diablo Cojuelo" had left his stronghold.

"Here a handful of men could defy an Army Corps, and there are other means of entry and other ways of escape. I give you welcome, sweet lady, to the fortress of El Diablo Cojuelo."

"My terms were clearly dictated to you through the medium of Don Carlos," said Cojuelo. "I give you your freedom on condition that you renounce the Señorita Rostrevor and surrender her to me. Incidentally, the señorita has promised she will marry me if you renounce her."

I challenged him to be a man and meet me face to face, but he would not remove his disguise. You can take it from me, sir, that the idea that there was any connection between Cojuelo and Don Carlos is all moonshine." "Thank you, Mr. Standish," said Don Carlos gravely, and glanced round at the faces of the officers. "May I take it, señors, that you are satisfied?"

"Yes, I will keep my promise and marry you in the presence of the man who has failed me," said Myra, and flashed a glance at Standish that made him quail. "Here, I say! I I didn't realise it was bluff," faltered Standish. "I'll do anything... Cojuelo, I'll pay you fifty thousand if only you'll "

"You said once that I would be a suitable mate for El er what's his name? El Cojuelo Diablo, isn't it? your pet brigand, I mean," retorted Myra. "Now you are presumably suggesting that I am a fit mate for a man guilty of attempted murder!" Don Carlos smiled enigmatically. "El Diablo Cojuelo is the correct name, Myra," he said in the same lazy, unmoved tone.

"I repeat that Standish is now willing to leave you here at the mercy of Cojuelo, on condition that he is allowed to go scot free," said Don Carlos. "I don't believe it! It can't be true!" Myra reiterated. "Take me to Tony and let me question him." "Presently you shall have your wish, but first let me give you an account of my interview with Mr.

He is an Englishman, and will never be scared into surrendering me to one whom he believes to be a Spanish brigand and outlaw. He loves me." "Unless I am much mistaken, he has not even begun to know the meaning of love," said Don Carlos. "Tell me, Myra, if my threat to have him flogged and branded makes him offer to surrender you to El Diablo Cojuelo in order to save himself, will you marry me?"