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Frederick counted the beats of his heart through the blank silence. He felt impelled to reach forward to Tessibel, to say something to relieve the white, tense face. His father was waiting for the squatter to take her departure. But Tess remained with the pail in her hand. Suddenly she lifted her streaming eyes to the minister's face. "I has been beaten.... And I air a-feelin' so bad!

He got out canvas and brushes and began to paint, urged by a vague sense that it might bring in something, some time. When he saw that Uncle William was pleased, he kept on. The work took his mind off himself, and he grew strong and vigorous. Andy, coming upon him one day on the beach, looked at his brown face almost in disapproval. "You're a-feelin' putty well, ain't you?" he said grudgingly.

De niggers all over in dah is gittin' mighty bad. Now, my wife she done tol' me dat dis mawnin', she's a-feelin' mighty con-trite." "What did she tell you about it?" "Well, Mas' Edd'ern, you know, sah, dere's a heap o' things about black folks dat white folks kain't understand an' nevah will. You know fer ovah fifty yeahs black folks has been thinkin' sometime dey'd run dis country.

But as he sot off, a-movin' backward in a polite way but swift, entirely onbeknown to him he come up aginst a big tree, and with a hopeless look of resignation he leaned up aginst it, while I, a-feelin' that Providence had interfered to give me another chance at him, advanced onwards, and sez to him in a real eloquent way, "That bill will do more than any amount of beggin', or jawin', or preachin', towards keepin' the boys to hum on the old deserted farms that are so thick in the country; and," sez I, "now that bill has fell out of his hands, I want you to take it up and pass it on to success."

"Better save that pudd'n' for dessert, honey, an' help yo'self to some o' that chicken, an' take a potater an' a roll, and eat a couple o' them spring onions they're the first we've had. Sence you're a-feelin' better, maybe it's jest ez well thet you mislaid that pill."

But suppose I were," he added, "why shouldn't I stay here if I wanted to?" "For one reason," said Mr. Hackley deliberately, "there's me. When I'm a-feelin' myself, there ain't a cammer, a more genteel nor lor-abidin' citizen in Hunston. As for fussin' and fightin', I'd no more think of it than a dyin' inverlid in the orspitle.

And I told Josiah at noon, I believed I would go down to the school-house to the meetin'. And he a-feelin', I mistrust, that if they should happen to be in the right on't, and the world should come to a end, he wanted to be by the side of his beloved pardner, he offered to go too. But he never had no robe, no, nor never thought of havin'.

I've kinder got used to you, and like to have you 'round 'mazingly; but I don't s'pose it's possible for you to feel right and live with me, and so you had better cut stick in time, for you must keep a-feelin' good and pi'us-like, my boy, or it's all up with you." "Then you don't want me to go for the sake of your own comfort?" "Not a bit of it.

"I guess this letter's too long for me to be a-sayin' much about the show, but the 'Leap-a-Death' girl got hern last week. She wasn't strong enough for the job, nohow. I done what I could for her outside the show, 'cause I knowed how you was always a-feelin' 'bout her.

Now you must come up and get some clothes, Harry!" But Chad, though he hesitated, for he knew now that the gentleman had practically given him the mare, interrupted, sturdily, "No, sir, I can't go not while he's a-feelin' hard at me." "Very well," said the General, gravely.