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I have no money to pay you, as you know very well. I have no right to keep you of course I should advise you to go." And he turned away again. Susan's face cleared. "Pooh! Oh, that's all right then," she answered pleasantly. "Mis' Colebrook, I'm sorry to be troublin' you, but I shall have to give back that 'ere notice. I ain't goin'." Once again Mrs. Colebrook flushed and bit her lip.

Well, so far as that was concerned, I had come to believe that almost any kind of work was liable to make HIM sick, but of course I didn't say that to her. That somethin' was troublin' him was plain, though I was far enough from guessin' what that somethin' was. "We set and talked, about Strickland and about Father and about ourselves.

Ee can't be troublin' 'isself about this 'ere bloomin' street every day in the week." There was a sharp knock at the door. "The doctor," she said, as her face dismissed the frolic brightness which had stolen upon it for a moment. "Run away, Benny." Benny opened the door, looked the doctor coolly up and down, and then withdrew to the landing, where his sisters were waiting to play with him.

I blame him for hittin' so hard when I go to sleep, but I s'pose he's right about my eatin'. You see," and here his tone grew both confidential and mournful, "I am an awful eater, an' I can't seem to help it. Somehow I'm hungry all the time. I don't seem ever to get enough till carrot time comes, an' then I can get all I want without troublin' anybody." "Didn't you ever have enough to eat?"

"Ask me everything you want to!" he cried. "Ask me about anything that's troublin' your mind, and I'll answer if I can, and the best I can." There was something about Uncle Solon which naturally invited confidence, and for fully half an hour the people asked questions, to all of which he replied after his quaint, honest fashion.

"What are you up to?" he asked. "Naething," answered the panting pursuer. "Gin ye be efter naething, ye'll fin' that nearer hame," retorted Alec, twisting him round in that direction, and giving him a kick to expedite his return. "Lat me hear o' you troublin' Annie Anderson, an' I'll gar ye loup oot o' yer skin the neist time I lay han's upo' ye. Gang hame."

I didn't see that the male sex was troublin' her much; but I signed a petition she got up to send to the Governor or somebody, asking for the right to vote. There was an opposition society that didn't want the ballot, and they got up another petition." "And you signed that too, I expect," laughed Donald. "Sure thing, I did. I'm not narrow-minded, and I like to be obliging.

"What the divil bes troublin' ye, Denny Nolan, to fetch ye out o' yer own house sich a day as this?" demanded the ex-sailorman. "Bes there anything the matter wid that grand young lady from up-along?" The skipper removed his cap and with it beat the snow from his limbs and body. He breathed heavily from his struggle with the storm. Mary eyed him anxiously, her hands idle in her lap.

I can guess what's troublin' you; it's young Brown. You've told him you're a woman-hater, haven't you?" "Yes, I have." "Humph! Is he one, too?" The lightkeeper's mouth was twisted with a violent emotion. He remembered his view of that afternoon's swimming lesson. "He said he was," he snarled. "He pretends he is." Mrs. Bascom smiled. "I want to know," she said. "Umph!

"I'm glad you like it," said the girl, in her deep-toned, pleasant voice. "You know, Mr. Goodwin, it was a bit queer the way you made me come away from the hall." "Ah, but that's not troublin' you," replied Goodwin quickly. "I reckon you know what's wrong wi' me, Miss James. I'm not askin' you for much yet; only to let me see you, when you go to that mission-joint, and talk to ye sometimes."