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Against the blue of the horizon, they made a pretty sight, with their white coverings. Kid Wolf, however, was not concerned with the beauty of the picture. Great danger threatened them, and it was his duty to be of what assistance he could. Touching his big white horse with the spur, he came upon the long train's flank. Ahead of the train were the scouts, or pathfinders.

It was near the midnight hour when the horse, panting for breath, paused at a lonely rickety old station. The men alighted. "Hit's jes' twenty minutes pas' eleven," said Bob Jones glancing at his watch. "Now that train's comin' long here in er few minutes. Jes' git er board an' treat de Cap'n right, an' he'll put yer through." "God bless you and all of yours," said the minister, gratefully.

And when he reappeared after sending the message which notified the despatcher of the train's safe arrival and of the capture of the two bandits, he was surprised and speechlessly confused by having pressed upon him by the enthusiastic passengers an impromptu purse of seventy-five dollars. Later in the afternoon Alex was called to the wire by Jack, at Hammerton.

"The transfer train's pulled out an' the trussle won't be fixed 'til mornin', you might's well take in the dance." Beside her Endicott moved uneasily. "Certainly not!" he exclaimed curtly as his eyes met Purdy's. And then, to the girl, "If you are bound to attend that performance you can go with me." "Oh, I can go with you, can I?" asked the girl sweetly.

"You cut for the station," he muttered swiftly to Betty. "Get the bags train's almost due. I'll run up the street and lose 'em somewhere on the way. They won't touch you." He said this hardly moving his lips, and Betty did not catch every word. But she heard enough to understand what was expected of her and what Bob planned to do. She loosened her hold on his arm.

The train's arrival brought quick sadness to her face, but she made herself bright again with a special farewell for each acquaintance. "Don't you ride any more cow-catchers," she warned Billy Lusk, "or I'll have to come back and look after you." "You said you and me were going for a ride, and we ain't," shouted the long-memoried nine-year-old. "You will," murmured Mr. McLean, oracularly.

"You can see her at Langrye, young man; come, get in," said Blunt, sternly, "the train's just starting." Edwin's blood boiled. He turned to smite the acute-visaged man to the earth, but encountering the serene gaze of the magnificent guard who stood close beside him, he changed his mind and sprang into the carriage.

After the Sanctus, the Pope goes before the middle of the altar followed by the assistant bishops and others of His train's and all kneel till the elevation is ended. After the Agnus Dei, the first Card. priest goes up to the altar, kisses it, and receives from the celebrant the kiss of peace: this he gives to the Pope, from whom the two first Card. deacons receive it.

Trouble with you is you don't take no int'rest in it.... Next time you'll know better. Train's goin' in fifteen minutes. Better hustle." Next noon Scattergood was in his usual place on the piazza of his store when the train came in. Presently Mr. Castle, president of the G. & B., came into view, and Scattergood closed his eyes as if enjoying a midday snooze. Mr.

He had lost his hat, his hair was tossed with the wind, his face was bleeding from a slight wound on the temple. "The boat train's just ahead of us, sir," he announced. "She can't get on any better than we can. We've just heard that there's a bridge down on the line between Ipswich and Harwich." "What are we going to do, then?" Mr. Dunster demanded.