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"Yes," Guy remarked; "fortunately, a martial spirit is abroad in the Third Estate. Walbrook s'en va t'en guerre. If there is one moneyed man in the lot, it seems sufficient to keep the others going. I often wonder how you manage; for, to do you justice, you don't plunder your Croesus. You deserve statues as Sydney Smith would have said æris alieni."

"I must try it vit' a cripple," he went on, "vit' an idiot, vit' a deaf and dumb voman. I must set it difficult tasks, learn its limitations. T'en I must publish." "You shall do nothing of the kind. You are not a very old man and I am young. I have your secret safe, and it shall not be lost to the world even if you die.

"J'ai eu un peu de fievre dans la nuit, et ce matin je suis calme, mais fatigue. Il ne faut pas t'en alarmer cependant; le voyage et l'exposition reclamaient une reaction, et elle arrive naturellement au premier moment ou j'ai la possibilite du repos.

The memories of his childhood and his early youth bound him to the old regime and despite appearances to the contrary, this Prince, so dear to the bourgeois and to the National Guard, was always by his tastes and aspirations a man of Versailles. Charles X. would gladly have said to the Duke of Orleans, as Augustus to Cinna, speaking of his benefits: "Je t'en avais comble, je t'en veux accabler."

"Not guilty!" he said. "You have my profound sympathy, Pelletan. How did you happen to get caught? You must have been exceedingly young!" "I wass, monsieur," admitted Pelletan, with a sigh. "I wass just from t'e province my head wass full of treams. Unt she wass petter-looking, t'en, monsieur; she wass almost slim.

She sat at t'e money-drawer unt grows fat; I wass soon so weak t'at she tid not hesitate to to " The little man's face was bathed in sweat at the memory of that degradation, which his tongue refused to describe. "I endured eet to t'e last moment," he added, thickly. "T'en I fled!" "You seem to have alighted on your feet," remarked Rushford.

Then he broke off: and in a childish fit of temper he played Malbrouck s'en va t'en guerre with one finger, got up from the piano, faced the audience, and said: "That is all you are fit for." The audience were for a moment so taken aback that they did not quite take in what the musician meant. Then there was an outburst of angry protests. Followed a terrible uproar.

Her musical compositions, too, are equally melodious and attractive to the heart. Who does not know the song, "Va t'en, Guerrier," which Hortense wrote and set to music, and then, at Napoleon's request, converted into a military march?

"Unt t'en," continued Pelletan, persuasively, fancying, no doubt, that he saw some signs of yielding in his partner's face, "eef monsieur remains, he can haf t'e house done ofer to suit heem; he can t'row away t'e furniture he does not like; he can paint out t'e marble columns; he can cause all t'e servants to pe tressed to hees taste. He would make one grand sensation!

The red lips curved in a riddle of a smile. He saw dark depths in the shadowed eyes. "Malbrouck s'en va t'en guerre" she murmured. Harry exclaimed something, felt her against him, was aware of all her form and heard footsteps. Alison was out of his grasp, her back to him, plucking a rose. "You will see me again you shall see me again. I ride in the wood to-morrow morning," she muttered.