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"Va t'en, Arithelli," he said. "You don't want to be suffocating yourself down in a stuffy cabin. You're here to get lots of ozone and make yourself look a little less like a corpse. Besides, we want to talk."

It was not less incongruous and curious when one group presently broke out into 'God save the Queen', and another into the 'Marseillaise', and another still into 'Malbrouck s'en va t'en guerre'. At last songs and soldiers were absorbed in the battalion at the rendezvous, and 1the long dusty march to the village gave a disciplined note to the gaiety of the militant habitant.

To while away the time he began to whistle to himself, and what with whistling, and what with winking and talking to the lantern on the table, and calling himself painful names, he endured his captivity well enough. It was near midnight when the lock turned in the door and presently stepped inside a girl. "Malbrouk s'en va t'en guerre," said she, and nodded her head to him humorously.

They stunned him for a moment, and then presently, as if in defiance of his own thoughts, he began to sing softly: "Malbrouk s'en va t'en guerre." Suddenly, in one confused moment, he was seized, and a hand was clapped over his mouth. Three French soldiers had him in their grip-stalwart fellows they were, of the Regiment of Bearn.

I followed the handful of worshippers out into the sunlight and down the hill. As I passed the two old fishermen I heard the one with the blue eyes say to his mate with the leathery hand: "Allons, viens t'en! What if we went to the café after that dog's night of a sea?" "I don't say no," returned his partner; then he winked at me and pointed to the sky. "I know," I said.

Gibson, who thought that the younger son had had quite his share of low, confidential conversation, 'come here, and sing that little French ballad to Mr. Osborne Hamley. 'Which do you mean, mamma? "Tu t'en repentiras, Colin"? 'Yes; such a pretty, playful little warning to young men, said Mrs Gibson, smiling up at Osborne. 'The refrain is

"We had made a success of t'e pusiness," Pelletan explained, "unt I brought mit me my share of t'e profits, which seemed only fair, since I, py my labour, had earned t'em. Unt t'en I took a lease of t'is place, unt did well until t'is year. T'at iss my whole history, monsieur. T'at iss why I dare not return to Paris, efen for a small visit in winter when pusiness here iss pad.

You may become more famous in history fan Cleopatra or Ninon, and outshine t'em and all t'e ot'er beauties t'at efer lifed. Do you vant triumphs? Here t'ey are. Riches? You shall command t'em. Fame? Power? I haf t'em for you. You shall be t'e first. Aftervard, v'en beauty is common as ugliness is now ah, I do not know. Efen t'en it vill be a blessing.

T'en t'ey will go to tinner six or eight of t'em toget'er een a leetle room at Maxime's, where t'ey can make so much noise as pleases t'em only I will not pe t'ere in all t'at great city, nowhere will I pe! Unt I am missed, monsieur, no more t'an iss a grain of sand from t'e peach out yonder!" His voice trembled and broke, and he ran his hands through his hair in a very agony of despair.

A wisp of smoke stole from a stone chimney, and the smell that corn-pone and bacon leave was in the air. A bolt was slammed back, a door creaked and stuck, was flung open, and with a "Va t'en, mechant!" a cotton-clad urchin was cast out of the house, and fled into the dusty street. Breathing the morning air in the doorway, stood a young woman in a cotton gown, a saucepan in hand.