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So I vatch you a little v'ile longer yet. T'en I say to myelf: 'Here is t'e voman; yes, she is found." And he chuckled and rubbed his lean hands together as I had so often seen him do. The thought flashed across my mind that this extraordinary man meditated a proposal of marriage, but I dismissed the notion as ridiculous.

Her pleasant, placid face was a great contrast to his as he rushed at her and kissed her hot cheek. "Va t'en you will make me drop Théo's omelet." Joyselle took Théo's hands in his and looked solemnly at his son. "My dear," he said, "my very dear son, God bless you and her."

"I remember well," says this father of philosophy, "that when I went to the echo at Port Charenton, there was an old Parisian that took it to be the work of spirits, and of good spirits, 'for, said he, 'call Satan, and the echo will not deliver back the devil's name, but will say, 'Va t'en." The Parisian echo is surely superior to the Hibernian!

When he couldn't think of anything else to do he sang at the top of his clear bright voice: "C'est la guerre faut pas t'en faire"

When he saw Hamilton going by, bearing himself so superbly, it affected the French volatility in his nature to such an extent that his tongue could not be controlled. "Va t'en, bete, forban, meurtrier! Skin out f'om here! beast, robber, murderer!" he cried, in his keen screech-owl voice. "I'll git thet scelp o' your'n afore sundown, see 'f I don't! Ye onery gal-killer an' ha'r buyer!"

To while away the time he began to whistle to himself, and what with whistling, and what with winking and talking to the lantern on the table, and calling himself painful names, he endured his captivity well enough. It was near midnight when the lock turned in the door and presently stepped inside a girl. "Malbrouk s'en va t'en guerre," said she, and nodded her head to him humorously.

McGilveray gave the pass-word, and presently he was on the bank saluting the sentry he had left three hours before. "Malbrouk s'en va t'en guerre!" said the girl again with a gay insolence, and pushed the boat out into the stream. "A minnit, a minnit, me darlin'," said McGilveray. "Keep your promise," came back, softly. "Ah, come back wan minnit!" "A flirt!" said the sentry.

One Sunday he dined me handsomely on eels stewed in white wine, tame duck, and codfish balls, and after the dance, in which his wife, Ghost Girl, Malicious Gossip, Water, and the host joined, we sat for some time singing "Malbrouck se va t'en guerre," "La Carmagnole," and other songs of France.

Thus, this "Va t'en, Guerrier," which France now sings, resounds over the grave of the queen, like a salute of honor over the last resting-place of some brave soldier. She had much to contend with this hapless and amiable queen but she ever proved firm, and ever retained one kind of courage that belongs to woman the courage to smile through her tears.

Then were my honour lost, and I could not endure to live. Entreat me not, for I will not go forth, as now. Nay more, I tell thee as I have told my judges, that which the Saints have spoken to me. 'Bear this thy martyrdom gently, they say, 'tu t'en viendras en royaume du Paradis. Moreover, this I know, that I am to be delivered with great victory!"