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"If we demanded the head of your best friend, would you bring it in?" "I am the countryman of Lady Macbeth," replied the red nose. "Give me the daggers." "We would fain dispense with that proof, necessarily painful to a man of such evident sensibility as yours." The red nose bowed. "What is your name?" He pronounced it apparently MacMurtagh. "In future, among us, you are named Meurtrier."

Will you remember, Meurtrier?" "MacMeurtrier," muttered the novice again. The last proofs were now tried upon him, called the "five senses." For that of hearing he was made to listen to a jewsharp, which he calmly proclaimed to be the bagpipe; for that of touch, he was made to feel by turns a live fish, a hot iron and a little stuffed hedgehog.

I ought to say that this robust creature inspired me with a profound respect, for I was then, even more than to-day, physically weak and delicate, and in consequence filled with admiration for that energetic physique which I lacked. The conversations of Meurtrier were not of a nature to diminish the admiration with which he inspired me.

It was assuredly unnecessary to see or hear more. I had already descried what a peaceful family life upright, pure, and devoted my friend Meurtrier hid under his chimerical gasconades. But the spectacle with which chance had favored me was at once so droll and so touching that I could not resist the temptation to watch for some moments longer. That indiscretion sufficed to show me the whole truth.

Forget nothing, Meurtrier! And how were you inspired with the pious ambition of becoming our brother?" "At the hotel table: it was the young clerks from the wine-houses. I mentioned that I wished to be a Free Mason, and the lodge of Épernay " "Silence! The words you use, lodge and Free Mason, are most improper in this temple, which is that of the Pure Illumination, and nothing less.

Your dear father said many a time that there was not my equal at making coffee he was so kind and indulgent, the dear, good man but I begin to believe that you are even better than I." At that moment, and while Meurtrier was pouring out the coffee with all the delicacy of a young girl, the poodle, excited no doubt by the uncovered sugar, placed his forepaws on the lap of his mistress.

"MacMeurtrier," muttered the Scotchman in a tone of abstraction. "No! Meurtrier unadulterated. Your business?" "I am a homoeopathic doctor." "Are you a believer in homoeopathy? Be careful: remember that the Ancient of the Mountain hears what you say." The Scot held up his hand: "I believe in the learned Hahnemann, and in Mrs.

Absorbed by the contemplation of a scene so sympathetic, and by the pleasure of imagining that humble poem, I remained standing some steps from the open window, sure of not being noticed in the dusky street, when I saw a door open and there appeared oh, how far he was from my thoughts at that moment my friend Meurtrier himself, the formidable hero of tilts on the river and frays in unknown places.

SEBASTIAN PEYTAL Meurtrier Habillement complet de notaire perfide: figure pale, barbe noire, cheveux noirs. LOUIS REY Soldat retire, bon, Costume ordinaire; il porte sur brave, franc, jovial ses epaules une couverture de aimant le vin, les cheval. femmes, la gaiete, ses maitres surtout; vrai Francais, enfin WOLF Lieutenant de gendarmerie. FELICITE D'ALCAZAR Femme et victime de Peytel.

Nor do I dare relate other adventures of a more intimate character, from which, as the writers of an earlier day would say in noble style, a pen the least timorous would recoil with horror. However painful it may be to confess an unworthy sentiment, I am obliged to say that my admiration for Meurtrier was not unmixed with regret and bitterness. Perhaps there was mingled with it something of envy.