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And then I sithed, and he sez, " You have broke up my pantaloons, my vest, and my neck-tie, you have ground me down onto plain broadcloth, but in the matter of whiskers I am firm! Yes!" sez he "on these whiskers I take my stand!" And agin I sithed heavy, and I sez in a dretful impressive way, as I looked on 'em, "Josiah Allen, remember you are a father and a grandfather!"

They didn't act meachin' and tempt, and act indirect." He sithed powerful and sot round oneasy in his chair. And sez he, "I thought wimmen wuz taught by the Bible to serve and love their homes." "So they be. And every true woman loves to serve. Home is my supreme happiness and delight, and my best happiness is found in servin' them I love. But I must tell the truth, in the house or outdoors."

As the speaker paused for needed breath Blandina clasped her hands and sithed out, "Oh, what glorious eloquence! I never hearn anything like it!" And I sez, "I never did but once, I know that voice, though I hain't hearn it for twenty years; that is Prof. Aspire Todd."

Why, the hens would jest pour out eggs fed on the ruins of that farm. "Give me beauty and economy hitched together in one team." I sithed, and the sithe wuz deep, almost like a groan, and sez I "You tire me, Josiah Allen you tire me almost to death." "Wall," sez he, "I'm talkin' good horse sense." Sez I, "I should think it wuz animal sense of some kind nothin' spiritual about it and riz up."

I'd hearn, time and agin, they wuz so strict there you'd have to pay for every step you took from the ship to your boarding place. And if you said anything, you would have to pay so much a word; or if you sithed, you'd have to pay so much a sithe, or breathe deep you would have to pay accordin' to the deepness of your breath.

Tirzah Ann sithed and sez, "I don't know what can be done." Thomas J. is more practical and sez, "Can't you git his mind on some work? Hain't there sunthin' that ort to be done round the farm? Or in the house?" "Id'no," sez I. "He can't plow or reap in February or pick gooseberries or wash sheep.

He said it would sound so sort a warlike and impressive. I expostulated aginst the idee. But sez he, "You'll enjoy it when you get used to it." "Never!" sez I. "Yes you will," sez he, "and while I live I lay out that you shall have advantages, and shall enjoy things new and uneek." "Yes," sez I feelin'ly, "I expect to, Josiah Allen, as long as I live with you." And I sithed.

She turned her head away and kinder sithed, and I guess it wuz as much as a quarter of a hour after that, that I see her take out a pencil and a piece of paper out of her portmonny, and a little stick, and she went to makin' some verses, a measurin' 'em careful as she wrote 'em, and when she handed 'em to me they wuz named "or

And he misused her in such a way, that she never got over the horror of what befell her when she come to, to find herself at the mercy of a brute in a man's shape. She went into a melancholy madness, and wus sent to the asylum. Of course they couldn't have wimmen in such places to take care of wimmen," says she bitterly. I sithed a long and mournful sithe, and sot silent agin for quite a spell.

Well might Atlantic be melancholy to see such sights, hundreds of folks comin' out of the water, hundreds goin' in, and other hundreds walkin' or rollin' in the sand or throwin' it at each other or half covered up with it. And as for the clothes they had on, I thought no wonder the Ocean and I sithed to see it, no money would tempt me to wear 'em to mill or meetin', or to let Josiah wear 'em.