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And then he started out; and I went down, and got a good supper, but I sithed and groaned powerful and frequent. Philury got home safely from her bridal tower, lookin' clever, but considerable lonesome. Truly, men are handy on many occasions, and in no place do they seem more useful and necessary than on a weddin' tower. Ury seemed considerable tickled to have her back agin.

Sez I, calmly, "Yes it is a remarkable one." "Did you ever hear anything like it?" says she, triumphly. "No," sez I honestly, "I never did." "Ardelia, read the poem on Little Ardelia Cordelia; give Miss Allen the treat of hearin' that beautiful thing." I sort a sithed low to myself; it wuz more of a groan than a common sithe, but Miss Tutt didn't heed it, she kep' right on

"Yes," sez Phila, "but I don't believe she will ever marry any one, she looks so sad." "It seems jest if they wuz made for each other," sez I, "and I know he worships the ground she walks on. But I don't know as she will ever marry any one after what she has went through," and I sithed. "She would marry," sez Phila warmly, "if she knew what a lovely, lovely state it wuz."

And I sithed as I thought how many took that kind of railway and wuz whirled into ruin on't. "Fall in with it! I guess the man that spoke to me about it thought I didn't fall in with it. I gin that feller a piece of my mind." "I hope you didn't give him too big a piece," sez I anxiously; "you know you hain't got a bit to spare, specially at this time." Oh, how I watched over that man day by day!

I am a woman of business." The bag would hold about 4 quarts and it wuz full. I looked at it and sithed. "I see," sez she, "that you are sorry that we didn't bring more poetry with us. But we thought that this little batch would give you a idee of what a mind she has, what a glorious, soarin' genus wuz in front of you, and we could bring more the next time we come."

I sithed, and murmured instinctively, "George Washington!" "George Granny!" says he. I sithed agin, and kep' sithin'. Says I, "It is bad enough, Josiah Allen, to have you talk about runnin' for senator, and pullin' wires, and etcetery. But, oh, oh! my agony to think my partner is destitute of principle." "I have got as much as most political men, and you'll find it out so, Samantha."

Says I, "We won't argue long on that point, for I could overwhelm you if I approved of overwhelmin'. But I merely ask you to cast your right eye over into England, and then beyond it into France. Men have ruled exclusively in France for the last 40 or 50 years, and a woman in England: which realm has been the most peaceful and prosperous?" He sithed twice.

Josiah not havin' come up to the mark in the way of sentiment at the house of Capulet, overdid the matter here; he took out his bandanna, and after flourishing it enough to draw everybody's attention to it, pressed it to his eyes and sort o' sithed. But I doubted his grief, though he made such elaborate preparations for it, and I told him so afterwards.

I sithed, but almost onbeknown to myself looked at the Cross, and hoped that that divine light would go ahead through the wilderness of world warfare makin' a safe path, so Peace could git down from her high monument bime-by and walk round some through the world without gittin' her head blowed off.

Sez I, "the poetry I wuz a thinkin' on, is measured by the soul, the enraptured throb of heart and brain; it don't need takin' a stick to it. Howsumever," sez I, for I see she looked sort a disapinted, "howsumever, if you have measured 'em, they are probable about the same length: it is a good sound stick, I haint no doubt;" and I kinder sithed. And she sez, "What do you think of the first verse?