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The pale shadder of the real tower of silence has fell on 'em all and silenced 'em. It don't make much difference what becomes of the husk that is wropped round the wheat. The freed soul soarin' off to its own place wouldn't care what become of the wornout garment it dropped in its flight.

Jist let me git a chance at him when he's soarin' loftiest into the amber blue above, and I'll cut his kite-string for him, and let him fall like fork-ed lightnin' into a mud-puddle." Cynthy said she did see one great sin that he had committed for sure. That was the puttin' on of gold and costly apparel.

I've heard a real lark. Well, Hephzibah Cahoon, you may never get into a book, but you're livin' among book things every day of your life. 'And singin' ever soars and soarin' ever singest. I'd sing, too, if I knew how. You needn't be frightened I sha'n't try." The meadows ended at the foot of another hill, a real one this time.

But my pardner wuz a hurryin' me on, so I dropped my revery and my umberell in my haste to foller on after his footsteps. Josiah picked up my umberell, but he couldn't pick up my soarin' emotions for me. No, he haint never been able, to get holt of 'em.

Sez I, soarin' up a very little ways, not fur, for it wuz too cold, and I was too tired, "There hain't but one sea, Josiah Allen, that is calm forever, and one day we will float upon it, you and me. It is the sea by which angels walk and look down into its crystal depths, and behold their blessed faces.

The vaulting of the roof of the church was now under consideration. For so small a building the "barrel vault," a row of round arches, was often used; but David's voice was for the pointed arch throughout. "The soarin' curve lifts the eye," he said, "like the mountains yonder." He drew with a bit of charcoal a line so beautiful that it was like music.

"No, I have noticed that you always wanted to see things to once. I have noticed it in you." "I could most probable have waited till you got back, to see a house and a tree." And in still more frigid axents, I added, "Or a barn." And I sez, kinder sarkastikly, "You enjoyed your ride, I s'pose." "Immensely, it wuz perfectly beautiful! So sort a free and soarin' like. It is jest what suits a man."

And further off the Canton or Pearl River, with scores of villages dotting its banks; glittering white temples, with their pinnacles glistening in the sunlight; pagodas, gayly painted with gilded bells, rising up from the beautiful tropical foliage; broad green fields; mountains soarin' up towards the blue heavens and the blue waters of the sea. A fair seen, a fair seen!

Then, if you find yourself soarin' heavenwards in a kind of scattered anatomical puzzle-map of little bits, don't blame me for obligin' you, that's all." There was a guffaw from the listeners. W. Keyse saluted, cheerfully joining in. "I shan't s'y a word, sir." "By George, I believe you!" said Beauvayse. "What's up? Seen a ghost?"

And, in lookin' up, I see that he wuz readin' a advertisement. I ketched sight of a picture ornamentin' of it. It wuz Lydia Pinkham. And as I see that benine face, I found and recovered myself. Truly, I had been a soarin' up, up, fur above Saratoga, Patent Medicines, Josiah Allen, etc., etc.