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Updated: August 26, 2024

But it wuzn't no such thing; we never paid a cent, and I sithed deep and frequent on the way up from the wharf, for weariness lay holt of me and also little Delight. She preferred hangin' onto me ruther than her parents. Why, I'd hearn that they wouldn't let a good smart whiff of wind land there on Sunday. The trustees kep' 'em off and preached at 'em, and made 'em blow off Clayton way.

My idee wuz to employ a first rate architect, but he sez: "I can tell you, Mom, if that plan is made I shall make it. There hain't an architect in the country that could begin with me in drawin' up this plan." Oh how I sithed and groaned when I see his sotness, and knowed he wuz no more fit for the job than our old steer to give music lessons on the banjo.

He said it wuz all for himself that he wuz hurryin' so. I d'no that, but I do know that in his haste to help me git out he stepped on my foot, and almost made a wreck of that valuable member. I looked bad, and groaned, and sithed considerable 'fore he got to the sheltered bench he'd sot out for. He acted sorry, and I didn't reproach him any. I only sez, "Oh, I don't lay it up aginst you, Josiah.

And he sithed agin, a sort of a deceitful, love-sick sithe. I sot demute as the Sfinx, and a chippin'-bird a tappin' his wing against her stunny breast would move it jest as much as he moved me by his talk or his sithes. But he kep' on, puttin' on a kind of a sad, injured look, as if my coldness wus ondoin' of him,

That is," says I reasonably, "if he knows as much, and is as good a calculator as she is. I love justice, I almost worship it." Agin he sithed; and says he, "Modern history don't seem to encourage the skeme." But his axent was weak, weak as a cat. He knew better.

And her letter brought the sad and harrowin' intelligence that she was a-comin' to make us a good long visit. The letter had been delayed. She was a-comin' that very night, or the next day. Wall, I sithed deep. I love company dearly, but oh my soul, is there not a difference, a difference in visitors?

No, men will be gentler, and wimmen nobler, and they will both come nearer bein' angels, though most probable they won't be any too good then, I hain't a mite afraid of it." The Senator kinder sithed, and that sithe sort o' brought me down onto my feet agin as it were, and a sense of my duty, and I spoke out agin: "Can you and will you do Serepta's errents?"

That big statute in New-York Harbor of Liberty Enlightenin' the World, will jest lift her torch up high, and light 'em out of the country: that is what we had her for." I sithed low, and says, "I never knew that wus what she wus there for.

Says I, "You know what you told me, Josiah, you said that plan would make you beloved and revered." He groaned. Says I, "You know you said it would make you a lion, and me a lioness: do you remember, Josiah Allen?" He groaned awful. Says I firmly, "It didn't make you a lion, did it?" He didn't speak, only sithed. But says I firmly, for I wus bound to come to the truth of it, "Are you a lion?"

He looked real hilarious, but drawed his face down when he ketched my eye, and sithed several times, and sent me to Senator F. and he sent me to Senator G. And suffice it to say I wuz sent round, and talked to, and cried at, and sulked to, and smiled at and scowled at, and encouraged and discouraged, 'till my head swum and my knees wobbled under me.

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