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Updated: August 13, 2024

"I'm not questionin' your motives, ma'am, so long as your actions are friendly," "I haven't any use for any of Homer Webb's outfit. He's got no business here. If he runs into trouble he has only himself to blame." "I'll mention to him that you said so." Picking up the rifle, she turned and walked to the horse.

Nobody spoke for a long half-minute, but men glanced significantly at one another, and a general restlessness pervaded the packed room. Out of the corner of his eye, Smoke caught a glimpse of Breck, Lucy, and her husband whispering together. "Come on, you," Shunk Wilson said gruffly to Smoke. "Cut this questionin' short. We know what you're tryin' to prove that the other bank wasn't searched.

'Well, says I, 'I heerd ye was up to O'Brien's questionin' him on th' issues iv th' day, I says. 'We was, says he. 'Was his answers satisfacthry? says I. 'Perfectly so, he says. 'Whin th' comity left, we were all convinced that he was th' strongest man that cud be nommynated, he says." "Jawn," said Mr. Dooley, "didn't we give it to thim?" "Give it to who?" asked Mr. McKenna.

And with a herculaneum effort I reached his side, and snatched him away jest as a shot rung out and the noble beast fell, his great, shaggy head restin' on the balustrade, lookin' down on the crowd below as if in questionin' agony and contempt, as though his last thoughts wuz: "Did you tear me away from my own free, beautiful, tropical forest for such a fate as this?

I'm not questionin' you or your family, Doctor Bayliss. If I had questioned 'em I could easily have looked up the record. All I'm sayin' is that I haven't thought of questionin', and I don't just see why you shouldn't take as much for granted as I have." The old gentleman was a bit disconcerted. He cleared his throat and fidgeted in his seat. "I do I do, Miss Cahoon, of course," he said.

At last, when it seemed as if Jacob could no longer restrain his impatience, Sergeant Corney said, speaking slowly, as if weighing well each word: "I will do my best, heedin' not my own safety, givin' no thought to the labor or difficulties, if it so be you lads are minded to do as I shall say, without questionin' when it seems as if I might be goin' wrong "

"We don't have to know," interposed Susan quickly; "an' questionin' about it don't settle nothin', anyhow. If we've got it, we've got it, an' if it's somethin' we can't possibly help, the only questionin' worth anything then is how are we goin' to stand it. You see, there's more'n one way of standin' things." "Yes, I know there is." Keith stirred restlessly in his seat.

"Oh, keep a askin', and a naggin'! That is what wears out us public men, wimmin's questionin'. It hain't so much the public duties we have to perform that ages us, and wears us out before our time, it is woman's weak curiosity on public topics, that her mind is too feeble to grasp holt of. It is wearin'," says he haughtily. Says I, "Specially when they don't know what to answer."

"The day we left Cherry Valley on Brant's trail, you lads agreed to follow me without questionin', even when it seemed as if I might be goin' wrong, an' now has come the time for you to keep that well in mind." "There is no reason why we should not do so," I replied, promptly.

"All right then. I'll think, and do some questionin' around, and report soon's I've decided what's best." He laid the stump of his cigar in the ash receiver and rose from his chair. But his nephew had not finished. "There was something else I intended to say," he announced, but with less eagerness. "That so? What?" "Why why, just this."

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