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"I have to wait for the missus," said the critic. "We have a date." "Vell, said T-S, and he went up close. "You do me a favor, Rosythe; don't say nuttin' about dis fellow Carpenter tonight. I feed him and git him feelin' good, and den I make a contract vit him, and I give you a front page telegraph story, see?" "All right," said the critic.

The President suppressed a laugh and gazed at Julius with severity: "That wasn't very creditable to your courage." "Dat ain't in my line, sah, I'se er cook." "Have you no regard for your reputation?" "Dat ain't nuttin' ter me, sah, 'side er life!" "And your life is worth more than other people's?" "Worth er lot mo' ter me, sah."

It was only toward the baby at the breast that she exhibited any endearments. Her nearest approach to it with the others was when she told them, as she portioned out the ash-cake, "Mammy ain't got nuttin else; but ntiver min', she gwine have plenty o' good meat next year, when deddy done pay for he land." "Hi! who dat out dyah?" she said, suddenly.

"Youse'll catch on in no time now, pardner," resumed the boy soothingly, "an' I'm mighty glad I was here ter set ye goin'. Sure, I sells poipers meself, I does, an' I knows how 't is. Don't look so flabbergasted. 'T ain't nuttin'. Shucks! hain't fellers what's pardners oughter do a turn fur 't odder?" The Millionaire bit his lip.

When Bud and Cactus ceased talking they heard Piggy's formidable voice holding forth to the others as usual while he was engaged in checking, though never satisfying, his ravening appetite. "Wat's de use," he was saying, "of chasin' little red cowses and hosses 'round for t'ousands of miles? Dere ain't nuttin' in it.

She said ominously: "I bawn nekked, but I ain't had nuttin' to do wid dat. Dat de fust en de last time I show up wid mah rind out o' doors. I been livin' in clo'es evuh sence, en I 'speck to die in clo'es." The artist, who wanted Emma in his picture, tried to make her understand. He reasoned with her manfully: "Ach, silly nigger-woman! Clothes, clothes! What are clothes!

"A guy comes to me and says he wants you and Mr. Windsor put through it, but I gives him de t'run down. 'Nuttin' done, I says. 'Mr. Windsor caught me cat." "So I was informed," said Psmith. "Well, failing you, they went to a gentleman of the name of Reilly." "Spider Reilly?" "You have hit it, Comrade Jarvis. Spider Reilly, the lessee and manager of the Three Points gang."

He passes out da word dat dere's to be nuttin' doin' tonight, tomorrow night or until he says 'go." "When did he give these orders, before or after Gibson came back?" asked Brennan. "After," replied Murphy. "And there'll be nuthin' doin', see?" "All right, Murphy. Keep on the lookout and drop in tomorrow and we'll fix you up for this." "I gotcha," said Murphy.

We'se organizin' ter kill white men dat come atter runaway slaves." "But ain't dey got nuttin ter eat fer dem dat's here?" "You come ter de big meetin' ter-morrow night an' hear sumfin dat's good fer yo' soul." "I'll be dar," Sam promised. But he hoped to find something at the meeting that was good for his stomach as well as his soul.

Leaning over his gnarled palms, the old man shook his head in sober reverie. "Dar ain' nuttin' like dem bitters in dese yer days," he reflected sadly, "'caze de smell er dem use ter mos' knock you flat 'fo' you done taste 'em, en all de way ter de belly dey use ter keep a-wukin' fur dey livin'. Lawd! Lawd!