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Updated: July 31, 2024

It made me hoppin' mad I tell you, for in a general way I don't allow any man to turn up his nose at me without having a shot at it. So when I sat down I spit into the fire, in a way to put it out amost, and he drew back and made a face, a leettle, just a leettle uglier than his natural one was.

All fear him and his "nigger-driver," as the ruffian Larkin is called. The latter is more feared by Scipio, who has noticed some further rude conduct on the part of the overseer towards "him leettle Chloe." Poor fellow! he is greatly distressed; and no wonder, when even the law does not allow him to protect the honour of his own child!

Ah, ze leettle ones, zay will go craze for joy; ze baron he will geef no more eyes to ze wife who is losing her shape, and all ze officairs, zay will say, 'Gott! How I lofe children! Mais, I will not angree be, but kiss you so, and so, and so. And to all will I say, 'Voila, deet efer woman haf such a frent for herself and such a second mutter for her children?"

Oh, if you please," cried Bigley. "Good c'est bon my frien. I make my sheep take you. Lay off, you say, and you land in your leettle boats. My faith, yes! And you tell you fader the Capitaine Apollo Gualtiere he pronounced his surname as if it was Goo-awl-tee-yairrrre make him present of hees sone, and hees young friens. Brave boys. Ha, ha!"

"Hims got leettle out ob sorts," said the sympathetic Ebony, suggesting a milder state of things. As Orlando did not appear to derive much consolation from the suggestion, Ebony held his tongue for a few minutes. Presently his attention was attracted to a sound in the underwood near them. "Hist! Massa Orley. I hear somet'ing."

"Who was he?" asked Kate with much interest. "He wuzzn't much to look at," continued Tom; "that is, there wuzzn't much of him. But he had a heart big as a mountain; ther wuz nothin he wouldn't do for them poor prisoners. 'He wuz come to preach salvation, he said, 'to them that wuz bound. Case wuz his name, a leettle man, but worth mor'n a dozen ornary men.

Den de ole woman's been kinder peaked this summer, an' some two or free ob de babies hez been right poorly, an' Sal wal, she got a leettle fretted, kase yer know we both wuks purty hard an' don't seem ter git ahead a morsel.

"Well, the Lord is on our side, neighbor Jennings, to-day, anyhow," he roared across the space of two or three tables. "He's always on our side, brother Councill," smiled Jennings. "Wal, I'd know about that. Sometimes I'm a leettle in doubt." "Got something good to eat?" inquired Jennings of Mrs. Councill. "Land sakes, no!

The entrance of Scipio interrupted my reflections. A young girl assisted him with the plates and dishes. This was "Chloe," his daughter, a child of thirteen, or thereabouts, but not black like the father! She was a "yellow girl," with rather handsome features. Scipio explained this. The mother of his "leettle Chlo," as he called her, was a mulatta, and "`Chlo' hab taken arter de ole 'oman.

As she spoke, Janice held out to each of the three a rosy-cheeked apple, and the sobs had ended ere her explanation had. "Ah!" cried the woman, "zees must be ze Mees Meredeez whom zay told me was weez ze waggons in ze rear, and who, zay assure me, was a saint. Zat must you be, to offer your leettle store to divide with me.

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