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Now don't worry a bit more about them. Just make some fresh ones, and we'll go on our little picnic." "But I'se gwine t' leab," said Dinah. "I ain't gwine stay on a boat, where ghostests takes sandwiches as fast as I can make 'em." "You shall come with us on the picnic," said Nan's mother. "When we come back, there won't be any ghost. Now don't fuss. Just make some fresh sandwiches, and we'll go.

At last she said hoarsely, "You go and bring aid. He saved aunty and me, and I cannot leave him." At this moment Aun' Sheba came running back, exclaiming: "Good Lawd forgib me dat I should leab my honey lam'! My narbes all shook out ob jint like de houses, an' my legs run away wid me, dog gone 'em! Dey's brung me back howsomeber.

"Because it wasn't any cat dat I done heah. It was a human bein' dat I heard cryin', dat's what it was, an' I know who it was, too," the colored woman insisted. "Who, Dinah?" asked Mrs. Bobbsey. "It was de same ghostest dat done took mah cakes an' sandwiches, dat's who it was. I'se mighty sorry t' leab yo', Mrs. Bobbsey, but I guess I'll done be goin' now." "What, Dinah!" cried her mistress.

"Why you leab him, den, if he be good country, eh?" "Vhy you leaf Africa, canst you dell me dat?" retorted uncle Ro, somewhat coolly. "Nebber was dere," growled old Yop, bringing his blubber lips together somewhat in the manner the boar works his jaws when it is prudent to get out of his way. "I'm York-nigger born, and nebber seen no Africa; and nebber want to see him, nudder."

He tell me no use hunt for friends if Obi man hab not giben dem leab to go and see him. Den the fetish change dem all into snakes. If he gib leab and not know dat me and oder two men were friends, den de fetish change us into snakes." "Well, there is one comfort, Dominique, we shall be able to march boldly along without being afraid of meeting anyone." "Yes, sar.

Dick's mother was in the kitchen, helping about the "refreshments;" but she had not left home until she had compelled her son to dress himself in his best, white shirt, red necktie, shining shoes, and all; and she had brought him with her, almost by force. "You's goodnuff to go to de 'Cad'my and leab yer pore mother, an' I reckon you's good nuff for de party."

Marse Oliver's like the rabbit, sah he don't leab no tracks," and Malachi would hold his sides in a chuckle of so suffocating a nature that it would have developed into apoplexy in a less wrinkled and emaciated person.

'I knows it; I knows it, Uncle. I knows de Lord am bery good to take 'im 'way; but why did he take de young chile, and leab de ole man har? 'De little sapling dat grow in de shade may die while it'm young; de great tree dat grow in de sun must lib till de ax cut him down. These words were the one drop wanting to make the great grief which was swelling in the negro's heart overflow.

"But I mean if you can get free without me." "What, you fink Pomp run 'way and leab Mass' George all 'lone?" "Yes; it is to save those at home." "Capen flog um for going." "No, no; he would not." "Fader knock um down an' kick um." "I tell you he would not. Try all you can to get loose and creep away when they are not looking."

Panting, almost breathless, with sweat streaming off him, he gasped out, "Oh, cap'n, dese yer darn niggers all gone mad! Dribe 'em oberbord; clar 'em out, 'n I'll stan' by to grab some o' der likely ones as de res' scatter." "But what about the wages?" said the skipper. "I'm not goin' ter give 'em whatever they like to ask." "You leab it ter me, cap'n. I bet you'll be satisfy.