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"'Well, massa, he say he comin' right off, sah; he say he kill 'em an' drown 'em all afore de res' ob de Yankees come for help dem; dat's what he say. "'Who was it said this? "'Why, sah, it wah de big Gen'l de one what boss all de res'; he name wah Massa Sydenton Jackson. He say he kill all ob you stone dead he not leab one ob em.

"But suah's you lib I nebber did leab dis yeah seat," insisted Dinah, which was very true. But how could she watch those boys and keep her face so close to the window? Besides, a train makes lots of noise to hide boys' pranks. "Now, we will begin a systematic search," said Mr. Bobbsey, who had already found out from the conductor and brakeman that they knew nothing about the lost box.

Go to the next County; go to Kaintucky, Injianny, Ohio, Illinoy, Kamskatky, New Guiney, Jericho, or Polkinhorn's tanyard if you like." "Afo' God, I don't know what tuh do, or wha tuh go," said the negro despairingly. "If yo' leab me here, I know dat ole mas'r 'll fin' me an' done kill me daid." "Niggers is like mules," remarked Groundhog savagely.

I wonder if de Good Lo'd made dis place, anyway," and she gazed ruefully around. "It looks to me as if de deb'l had a mighty big hand in it, fo' sich a mixed up contraption of a hole I nebber set my two eyes on befo'. An' to t'ink dat de Cun'l had to leab his nice home in Ol' Connec., an' come to a jumpin'-off place like dis.

Here I is lent ter Mars Jeems dis mont', en I got ter do so-en-so; en ter Mars Archie de nex' mont', en I got ter do so-en-so; den I got ter go ter Miss Jinnie's: en hit's Sandy dis en Sandy dat, en Sandy yer en Sandy dere, tel it 'pears ter me I ain' got no home, ner no marster, ner no mistiss, ner no nuffin'. I can't eben keep a wife: my yuther ole 'oman wuz sole away widout my gittin' a chance fer ter tell her good-by; en now I got ter go off en leab you, Tenie, en I dunno whe'r I'm eber gwine ter see yer ag'in er no.

En w'en de een' er de year come, Mars Dugal' turnt Mars Walker off, en run de plantation hisse'f atter dat. "Eber sence den," said Julius in conclusion, "w'eneber I eats ham, it min's me er Dave. I lacks ham, but I nebber kin eat mo' d'n two er th'ee poun's befo' I gits ter studyin' 'bout Dave, en den I has ter stop en leab de res' fer ernudder time."

On its return to the other side, the canoe was followed by a skiff containing the newly engaged colored help, whose amazement at everything they saw, and especially at the canoe, was unbounded. One of the men expressed his wonder at the little craft by saying, "Dat ar trick's so light, I reckon it's gwine leab de water some fine day, an' fly in de yair, like a duck." Mrs.

So he let you go off, d'ye see, gib you your orders so far, an' labes de rest to your good sense zough dere wasn't too much ob dat to leab it to, or you wouldn't hab bring away Eddard La La t'ing-um-bob." "But do you really mean to tell me, Peter, that Ben-Ahmed intended me and Hugh Sommers to escape?" "Das really what I means to tell you, Geo'ge."

"Lor, missy," exclaimed he, "help me sabe ship and capting, and all; or dey all go way and leab us drown on board!"

He could see their black triangular fins, and note the lurid gleaming of their eyeballs, as they rolled in their sunken sockets. It was a sight to terrify the stoutest heart; and that of Snowball did not escape being terrified. "Hole on, Massa Brace!" he instinctively shouted. "Hole on, for de lub o' God! Doan't leab me slip an inch, or dese dam brute sure cotch hold ob me!