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So he let you go off, d'ye see, gib you your orders so far, an' labes de rest to your good sense zough dere wasn't too much ob dat to leab it to, or you wouldn't hab bring away Eddard La La t'ing-um-bob." "But do you really mean to tell me, Peter, that Ben-Ahmed intended me and Hugh Sommers to escape?" "Das really what I means to tell you, Geo'ge."

Zee pluck of zat leetle creature is admirable. It vould be a horrible shame to take his life. No! I do love to see ploock vezer in man or beast! He could not shoomp zat. He knew he could not shoomp it, but he tried to shoomp it. He vould not be beat, an' I vould not kill him zough I vant 'im very mooch for a specimen."

But I t'ink he knows de janissary officer what has charge ob de gang, an' if you don't know him Ali might be useful." "There is wisdom in what you say." "Eben zough I is a `fool?" asked the negro simply. Osman laughed. "At all events you are an honest fool, Peter, and I'm sorry I burned your back the other day. You didn't deserve it." "Oh, nebber mind dat," returned Peter, feeling really uneasy.

"Zee man is not a fool zough he is a villain. He knows vat avaits him if he comes." "He will not come openly," returned the hermit, "but he will not now rest till he has killed me." Even as he spoke a loud shouting, mingled with shrieks and yells, was heard at the other end of the main street.

"Zee man is not a fool zough he is a villain. He knows vat avaits him if he comes." "He will not come openly," returned the hermit, "but he will not now rest till he has killed me." Even as he spoke a loud shouting, mingled with shrieks and yells, was heard at the other end of the main street.

"If then, Sir," I went on, "after being one year in Denmark, I can speak the language so correctly as you do the English, I should think myself no deficient scholar." "Oh! Zare, you too goot. I am not Dane, zough; I am from Sweden ffrān Svenska landet; but I come to Kjobenhagen for ze painting.

Zee pluck of zat leetle creature is admirable. It vould be a horrible shame to take his life. No! I do love to see ploock vezer in man or beast! He could not shoomp zat. He knew he could not shoomp it, but he tried to shoomp it. He vould not be beat, an' I vould not kill him zough I vant 'im very mooch for a specimen."

"Come, come, Peter, `everything is fair, you know, `in love and war. But that's not the point. Can you guess, I ask, Ben-Ahmed's motive for acting so oddly?" "Oh! yis, Geo'ge, I kin guess a'most anybody's motives, zough, p'r'aps, I mightn't guess right.