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Only a few flowers of autumn were visible, such as the fleabane and red gillyflower, autumn colchicums in the ravine, and under the beeches bracken and tufts of northern heather. At first Marouckla looked in vain for red apples. Then she espied a tree which grew at a great height, and from the branches of this hung the bright red fruit. Zarè ordered her to gather some quickly.

Too well haf I learned how difficile it ees to get anyzing from zeese barbarians." "They are hard, madame," explained Janice, "because they deem us foes." "But women cannot be zare enemies, and yet ze women ze worst are. Ma foi! Weez ze army I kept through ze wilderness, ze bois, from Canada, and not one unkind or insult did I receef, till I came to where zere were zose of my own sex.

"Now then, my man," said D ; "mind your helm, or you'll have her up in the wind in a minute." "Ja; but luke at moin praam moin Got!" "Curse your pram, she won't hurt; haul her on board," said D to some of the sailors. "Nej, nej," exclaimed the Norwegian; "zare luke zare! Moin Got! luke at moin praam!" "Her timbers are good, ain't they?

Warburton made one. Monsieur sipped it slowly, making a wry face, for, true Gaul that he was, only two kinds of stimulants appealed to his palate, liqueurs and wines. He found it as good as any he had ever tasted. "Ver' good," softening. "Zare ees, zen, one t'ing zat all zee Americans can make, zee cocktail? I am educate'; I learn. Now leaf me till eight.

I learned the next morning that he evinced every desire to drown Bäader in the surf for bringing him to such an inn, and was restrained only by the knowledge that I should miss his protection during my one night in Cancale. "Moreover, it is ze grande fête to-night ze fête of ze République. Zare are fireworks and illumination and music by ze municipality. It is simple, but quite of ze people.

There is that about her which commands attention. At the instant of her entrance Count Bonetti is on the qui Vive. "Py Chove!" he cries, as he leans gracefully against the doorway opening into the conservatory. "Zare, my dear friend, zat iss my idea of ze truly peautiful woman. Vat iss her name?" "That is Miss Andrews of New York, Count," the person addressed replies.

"I know," answered the girl, "but my sister and stepmother sent me to fetch red apples from the mountain; if I return without them they will kill me." Zaré moved to the highest stone and waved his wand over the fire. There was a flare of red flames, the snow disappeared, but the fading leaves which trembled on the trees were sent by a cold north-east wind in yellow masses to the glade.

"No, Zare, you varry goot to say so; but I feel I can at all not at all not, qu'est que veut dire, 'exprimer? ach! ach!" he exclaimed, putting his finger in his mouth, and pressing it, meditatively, between his front teeth, "I can at all not speak moin feeling in ze vay I shoult vish." "How long were you in England?" I said. "En fjor une année," he replied.

The officer had evidently heard quickly from his sergeant and was inclined to back him up, for in substance he said to the offended British officer: "Wee, pardon, mon ker-nell, it eez bad," meaning I am sorry, "but will ze gallant ker-nell please to remember zat consequently zare eez no French offitzair wiz ze French de-tach-mont, ze sar-zhont will be treated wiz ze courtesy due to ze offitzair."

"If then, Sir," I went on, "after being one year in Denmark, I can speak the language so correctly as you do the English, I should think myself no deficient scholar." "Oh! Zare, you too goot. I am not Dane, zough; I am from Sweden ffrān Svenska landet; but I come to Kjobenhagen for ze painting.