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It seems most improbable, therefore, that a creek should break its way through country of so much greater altitude without being seen by Colonel Warburton or myself, or that any connection should exist between the Salt Sea and Warburton's Salt Lakes to the South-East.

Hopper regarded him compassionately; the good woman was much disturbed by the strangeness of his demeanour lately, and feared he was going to be ill. "You look dre'ful tired, sir," she said. "I'll make you a cup of tea at once. It'll do you good." "Yes, get me some tea," answered Warburton, absently. Then, as she was leaving the room, he asked, "Is it true that the grocer Boxon is dead?"

Between them, Warburton and the man in authority shook Martha into consciousness, made her pack her box, put her into a cab, and sent her off to the house where she had lived when out of service; she all the time weeping copiously, and protesting that there was no one in the world so dear to her as her outraged mistress. About an hour was thus consumed.

We should not rely upon their feelings of to-day, as any pledge for what they will be to-morrow." Flint's Geography, vol. i., p. 120. "Geography of the Mississippi Valley," vol. i., p. 121. "The Indians are immoderately fond of play." Warburton, vol. i., p. 218. These used cards; but they have, among themselves, numerous games of chance, older than the discovery of the continent.

Thinking over this in shame-faced solitude, Warburton felt a glow of proud thankfulness that his mother and sister were so unlike the vulgar average of mankind that rapacious multitude, whom nothing animates but a chance of gain, with whom nothing weighs but a commercial argument.

"We have obtained good places for two of your children, madam; the other, aged two years, you can have under your own care, while here." "And all without allowing me one word, as to who should take them, or where they should go! My poor little Mary, what can you do as a servant?" "They are well provided for, madam. You can now retire." Mrs. Warburton did retire, and with a bleeding heart.

But I might tamper with the surveyor who made the report on the drains." "Say no more," Mr. Prohack adjured her. "I'm going out." And he went out, though he had by no means finished instructing Miss Warburton in the art of being his secretary. She did not even know where to find the essential tools of her calling, nor yet the names of tradesmen to whom she had to telephone.

"We shall be so glad to hear if it suits," said Mrs. Cross. "Do look in on Sunday, will you? We are always at home at five o'clock. Oh, I have written out a little list of things," she added, laying her grocery order on the counter. "Please tell me what they come to." Warburton gravely took the cash, and Mrs. Cross, with her thinly gracious smile, bade him good-day.

I looked at the prosy pages here and there, and finally found again those reminiscences of the town of Boston and the story of Mistress Honor Warburton, who was cursed, and doomed to live in this world to the end of time.

Being rather more suspicious of the housekeeper than his mother, and no doubt for good reasons best known to himself, he followed on to the kitchen, and was an ear-witness to what passed between John and the sub-mistress of the mansion. "Come, John, now that's a good fellow," said he to the negro, after the housekeeper had retired, "take in some wood to poor Mrs. Warburton."

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