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Updated: August 18, 2024
"If she had but left me my cheese," says the Svenska maid, "I might have had something to eat between New York and Illinois. I just had my ticket in the cars, and, oh, it was more than two days, and I had such feelings in my stomach! I was all alone and speak not a word of English, and everybody around me eat, but I would not try to ask for somethings.
Why, say, he's a great big strapping Svenska now going to be bigger 'n his daddy!" Kennicott's bluffness made the child squirm with a delight which Carol could not evoke. It was a humble wife who followed the busy doctor out to the carriage, and her ambition was not to play Rachmaninoff better, nor to build town halls, but to chuckle at babies.
"But the symptoms first, please, my dear Svenska," he interrupted, with a strangely compelling seriousness of manner, "and your deductions afterwards." She turned round sharply on the edge of her chair and looked him in the face, lowering her voice to prevent her emotion betraying itself too obviously.
The foremost woman in Sweden to-day in intellect and influence, in popular esteem and in public movements, and the recognized successor of Fredrika Bremer, is Ellen Key, an authoress and editorial writer upon Svenska Dagbladet. In the system of local government in Norway, women now participate upon an equal basis with men.
In front of it a sagging woman with tight-drawn hair, and a baby bedraggled, smeary, glorious-eyed. "Those are the kind of folks I practise among, good share of the time. Nels Erdstrom, fine clean young Svenska. He'll have a corking farm in ten years, but now I operated his wife on a kitchen table, with my driver giving the anesthetic. Look at that scared baby!
Svenska Morgonbladet, another religious daily, opposes Vart Land, and represents the dissenters from the established church. Its circulation, according to its sarcastic competitors, "is limited to those who have been saved." Its most eminent contributor and patron is Dr. Peter Paul Waldenström, founder and leader of the Free Lutheran Church, "the Swedish Moody."
"But the symptoms first, please, my dear Svenska," he interrupted, with a strangely compelling seriousness of manner, "and your deductions afterwards." She turned round sharply on the edge of her chair and looked him in the face, lowering her voice to prevent her emotion betraying itself too obviously.
"If then, Sir," I went on, "after being one year in Denmark, I can speak the language so correctly as you do the English, I should think myself no deficient scholar." "Oh! Zare, you too goot. I am not Dane, zough; I am from Sweden ffrān Svenska landet; but I come to Kjobenhagen for ze painting.
There is a society in Sweden known as Svenska Folkdansens Vänner for preserving the Swedish national peasant dances and for encouraging their use in the higher circles of society in preference to the French dances. There are several fine museums and picture galleries in Sweden.
The two men's faces lighted up at sight of him, and Tierney shouted, "What did I tell you, Morgan? I knew that guy would find us." "He bane fine man," added a voice from the doorway. "Hello Svenska!" bellowed Tierney. "Who are you?" Nels grinned as Marsh explained who he was. "How did you get in? Where's the gang?" rapidly questioned Morgan.
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