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Bobbsey, trying to think of how the pieces of bread and meat could have been taken. "It shuah was," went on Dinah. "Nobody took dem sandwiches, but a ghostest, an' I can't stay in no boat what has ghostests." "Nonsense!" laughed Mrs. Bobbsey. "I know how it was done, Dinah. I know how the sandwiches were taken." "How, Mrs.

I had dem sandwiches all made an' on a plate. I left dem in de dinin' room to go git a basket, an' when I come back, dey was gone entirely. I want t' see yo' ma, Missie Nan. I ain't gwing t' stay on dish yeah boat no mo, dat's what I ain't!" "But why not, Dinah?" asked Nan, in some alarm. "Because dey's ghostests on dish yeah boat; dat's what dey is! An' I ain't gwine stay on no ha'nted boat.

"Going? Where?" "Offen dish yeah boat, Mrs. Bobbsey. I cain't stay heah any mo' wif a lot of ghostests." "Nonsense, Dinah!" exclaimed Mr. Bobbsey. "There isn't any such thing as a ghost, and you know it! It's silly to even talk about such a thing. Now you just come with me, and show me where you heard those noises." "No, sah, I cain't do it, Mr.

The little girl said: "Dinah made a plate of sandwiches for our picnic " "Dat's right, for de excursnick," put in Dinah. "And she left them on the table," went on Nan. "But when she went to get a basket to put them in, and came back " "Dey was clean gone!" burst out the colored cook, finishing the story for Nan. "An' ghostests took 'em; ob dat I'se shuah.

Bobbsey had heard the excited voice of Dinah and had come down to the dining-room of the houseboat to see what it was all about. "What is it, Dinah?" she asked. "It's ghostests, Mrs. Bobbsey dat's what it is," said the cook. "Ghostests what takes de sandwiches as fast as I make 'em dat's de trouble. I can't stay heah no mo'!" Mrs. Bobbsey looked to Nan for an explanation.

Now don't worry a bit more about them. Just make some fresh ones, and we'll go on our little picnic." "But I'se gwine t' leab," said Dinah. "I ain't gwine stay on a boat, where ghostests takes sandwiches as fast as I can make 'em." "You shall come with us on the picnic," said Nan's mother. "When we come back, there won't be any ghost. Now don't fuss. Just make some fresh sandwiches, and we'll go.

Dinah sat down near the lunch basket. "Don't you want to walk around a bit?" asked Mrs. Bobbsey. "No'm," answered the fat cook. "I ain't gwine t' leab dish yeah basket ob victuals until dey's eaten. Dey ain't no ghostests, nor no dogs, gwine t' git nothin' when I'se heah! No'm!" and Dinah slipped her fat arm in through the handle of the basket. "Let's look for chestnuts!" cried Freddie.