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When I was talkin' about Sterling so free and easy, and your maw mighty near ketched me that time, my arm was itchin' like hell-fire, and I dassen scratch it. I never knowed a fella's conscience could get to workin' around his system like that. Now, if it was my laig, I could 'a' scratched it with my other foot under the table.

One white wooman I'se waited on like hot choclate en she alays wanted more she neber hed nuff of dat stuff en one day she spills sum on her laig en it jes splotched en burned her en wen dat gal war born she hed a big brown spot on her laig jes like her Mammy's scar frum de burn. Now you see I noes yer ken mark de babies.

You're naturally sore that you didn't get first crack at me. Don't blame you a bit," agreed Dick cheerfully but absently. "Funny thing is that one of your friends happened to send his message to my address, all right. Got me in the left laig, just before you butted in and spoiled their picnic so inconsiderate." "You are then wounded, sir?" "Not worth mentioning, don. Just a little accident.

He's empty as er holler stump er, he! he! he!" chuckled Uncle Rufus. "Glo-ree! dar allus was a slather of sech houn's aroun' dat plantation, fo' Mars' Colby was a fox huntah. "Dat dawg git his eye on dat goose for jes' a secon' an' de nex' secon' he grab hit by de laig! "Lawsy me! My soul an' body!" chortled Uncle Rufus, rocking himself to and fro in his chair in an ecstasy of enjoyment.

Just as I clim the fence it a-most ketched me, and made a nip not six inches from my leg. I could hear him gnash them awful tusks o' his'n." "Humph," said the woman. "He's run acrost Stevenson's old boar, that runs in them woods up thar, and is mouty savage this time o' year. He'd take a laig offen a youngster quicker'n scat, if he ketched him. He done well to run."

Gents, their emotions is only imitations of what I feels when I finds that the Yanks done got me an' nary doubt. It's all right a rifle bullet through my ankle! "'That night I'm mowed away, with twenty other wounded folks, in a little cabin off to one side, an' thar's a couple of doctors sizin' up my laig. ""Joe," says one, that a-way, "we've got to cut it off."

"He reached over forty acres of rock to hand me one on the laig!" he added, rubbing his left thigh. Mrs. Brady came to the doorway of the cabin and stood there, outlined against the red firelight within, with the boy in her arms. The child reached forth his arms impatiently, then began beating the old woman with his small fists. "Go an' get me the horse!" he commanded. "Mike wants a ride!"

"You're stepping wonderfully for a crippled boy the doctors have given up," remarked Yan. "Yes; that's the proud flesh in me right leg that's doin' the high steppin'. The left one is jest plain laig." "Let's hide this somewhere till we get back," and Yan held up the bundle of Witch-hazel. "I'll hide that," said Sam, and he hurled the bundle afar into the creek. "Oh, Sam, that's mean.

It chanced that the first of them was Selfridge, whom he had not seen since his arrival, though he knew the little man was in camp. "How goes it, Holt? Fine and dandy, eh?" inquired Wally with the professional geniality he affected. The old miner shook his head dolefully. "I done bust my laig, Mr. Selfish," he groaned.

Biggs had not expected Ruby Ann to call, and her face wore a vinegary expression when she opened the door to her. "Yes, I s'pose you can see her, but too much company ain't good for sprained ankles," she replied in response to Ruby's inquiry if she could see Miss Smith. "You'll find her in the parlor, but don't stay long. Talkin' 'll create a fever in her laig." Ruby was accustomed to Mrs.