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He drew out another drawer "A' gowd, Jeanie, and there's bands for siller lent And the rental book, Jeanie clear three hunder sterling deil a wadset, heritable band, or burden Ye haena lookit at them, woman And then my mother's wardrobe, and my grandmother's forby silk gowns wad stand on their ends, their pearline-lace as fine as spiders' webs, and rings and ear-rings to the boot of a' that they are a' in the chamber of deas Oh, Jeanie, gang up the stair and look at them!"

"It's ower late tae mend, but ye 'ill maybe juist say to the fouk that I wes sorry, an' a'm houpin' that the Almichty 'ill hae mercy on me. "Cud ye ... pit up a bit prayer, Paitrick?" "A' haena the words," said Drumsheugh in great distress; "wud ye like's tae send for the minister?" So Drumsheugh knelt and prayed with many pauses.

'And what for should ye? said her lord and master; 'to dance a' night, I'se warrant, and no to be fit to walk your tae's-length the morn, and we have ten Scots miles afore us? Na, na. Stable the steed, and pit your wife to bed, when there's night wark to do. 'Aweel, aweel, Willie hinnie, ye ken best; but oh, take an unco care o' yoursell, and mind ye haena the blessing o' sight.

'Well, curse thee, never mind; give me the memorial and come to me on Monday at ten, replied the learned counsel. 'But, sir, I haena got ony distinct memorial. 'No memorial, man? said Pleydell. 'Na, sir, nae memorial, answered Dandie; 'for your honour said before, Mr. Pleydell, ye'll mind, that ye liked best to hear us hill-folk tell our ain tale by word o' mouth.

"Means, Mr. Smith!" said she, at intervals, as she could get breath to speak; "oh, man, didna we hear that ye were dead! Haena we thocht that ye were in yer grave for this month past! Dear me, but this is extraordinar! But will ye just step this way wi' me a minnit."

He has ta'en and placed you here for your ain gude, I trust I'm sure it's for the gude of us a' and if ye haena a' things ye wad wish, Miss Ellen, ye hae Him! dinna forget that, my ain bairn." Ellen returned heartily and silently the embrace of the old Scotch-woman, and when she left her, set herself to follow her advice.

Ye 'ill lat me pay the half, bit by bit a' ken yir wullin' tae dae't a' but a' haena mony pleasures, an' a' wud like tae hae ma ain share in savin' Annie's life." Next morning a figure received Sir George on the Kildrummie platform, whom that famous surgeon took for a gillie, but who introduced himself as "MacLure of Drumtochty."

Miss Barton stared at me wi' a look o' cauld composed surprise. At length "Miss Barton," I stammered oot, "I am come, according to your invitation, to" "My invitation, sir!" said Miss Barton, noo a little confused, an' blushin in her turn. "What invitation? I haena the pleasure o' ony acquaintance wi' ye, sir. Ye're a perfect stranger to me."

Ye haena the pith o' a cat! were the cries of advice, encouragement, and expostulation from those who were on the bank to the sportsman engaged with the salmon, who stood up to his middle in water, jingling among broken ice, struggling against the force of the fish and the strength of the current, and dubious in what manner he should attempt to secure his booty.

"I winna greit, Cosmo; I'll say YET, the will o' the Lord be dune, though it be sair upo' me the noo, whan I haena a drap o' milk aboot the place to set afore my only-begotten son whan he comes hame to me frae a far country!