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Updated: August 14, 2024

'Ye haena telt 's yet, Cocker, he said, 'what that maister o' yours is duin' here at this time o' the year. I wad ken that, gin ye please. 'How should I know, Mr. MacGregor? returned the factor, taking no notice of the offensive manner in which the question was put. 'He's no a hair better nor ane o' thae Algerine pirates 'at Lord Exmooth's het the hips o' and that's my opingon.

"But few," added MacGregor, "ken'd he was derned there, save Rashleigh and Sir Hildebrand; for you were out o' the question; and the young lads haena wit eneugh to ca' the cat frae the cream But it's a bra' auld-fashioned house, and what I specially admire is the abundance o' holes and bores and concealments ye could put twenty or thirty men in ae corner, and a family might live a week without finding them out whilk, nae doubt, may on occasion be a special convenience.

"I am Dandie Dinmont, sir, of the Charlies-hope the Liddesdale lad ye'll mind me? it was for me ye won yon grand plea." "What plea, you loggerhead" said the lawyer "d'ye think I can remember all the fools that come to plague me?" "Lord, sir, it was the grand plea about the grazing o' the Langtae Head!" said the farmer. "But, sir, I haena got ony distinct memorial."

Ye haena the pith o' a cat! were the cries of advice, encouragement, and expostulation from those who were on the bank to the sportsman engaged with the salmon, who stood up to his middle in water, jingling among broken ice, struggling against the force of the fish and the strength of the current, and dubious in what manner he should attempt to secure his booty.

Times it was like the driftin' o' the leaves in the fall. He was graun' on the terrors o' the law. We haena been what's to say clean uplifted wi' the michty truth o' the punishment o' the lost sin' his mooth was closed in death," and Ronald sighed the sigh of the hungry heart.

Older than Andrew, he had been a great friend of his father, and likewise of some of Mrs. Falconer's own family. Therefore he was received with a kindly welcome. But there was a cloud on his brow which in a moment revealed that his errand was not a pleasant one. 'I haena seen ye for a lang time, Mr. Lammie. Gae butt the hoose, lads. Or I'm thinkin' it maun be schule-time. Sit ye doon, Mr.

Ye dinna ken what ye wad hae! An' bein' a kin' o' a mither to ye a' yer life, I maun lat ye see what ye're aboot I wadna insist owersair upo' the years atween 's, though that's no a sma' maitter, but surely ye haena to be tellt at this time o' day,'at for fowk to merry 'at dinna loe ane anither, is little gien it be onything short o' a sin."

I was only jist remarkin' that we haena sic a fa' o' rain ilka day, an' we sud jist haud the day in min', pay 't respec' like, keep it wi' a tumler, ye ken cummummerate it, as they ca' 't.

Admitted to his lordship's presence, he had a question to ask and a request to prefer. "Hae ye dune onything my lord," he said, "aboot Mistress Catanach?" "What do you mean?" "Anent yon cat prowl aboot the hoose, my lord." "No. You have n't discovered anything more have you?" "Na, my lord; I haena had a chance. But ye may be sure she had nae guid design in 't." "I don't suspect her of any."

'When Si, retorted Meg very deliberately, 'intercommunes wi' me, as ye ca' it, here the 'muckle-mouth' expanded east and west, 'he intercommunes wi' me i' Scotland, an' there ye haena ony power ower him or me.

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