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They're baith dour chiels, and haena muckle tae say, but Tammas hes a graund hert, and there's waur fouk in the Glen than Saunders. "A'm gettin' drowsy, an' a'll no be able tae follow ye sune, a' doot; wud ye read a bit tae me afore a' fa' ower?

I canna say what it is, for the hoonger is for what I haena." "Another of God's children!" said the master to himself, "and full of the groanings of the spirit! The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them." He often quoted scripture as the people of the New Testament did not much minding the original application of the words.

Dinmont will protect you back to the house. 'No, said Meg, 'he must come with you; it is for that he is here. He maun take part wi' hand and heart; and weel his part it is, for redding his quarrel might have cost you dear. 'Troth, Luckie, it's very true, said the steady farmer; 'and ere I turn back frae the Captain's side I'll show that I haena forgotten 't.

"'Mr Middlemiss, said he, as slowly as if he were spelling my name, 'my money I want, and my money I will have; and have it immediately, too. "'Sir, said I, 'the thing is impossible; I canna gie ye what I haena got. "'I dinna care for that, said he; 'if I dinna get it, I shall get you. "He had the cruelty to throw me into jail, just as I was beginning to gather my feet.

I haena a morsel in the house, and hae na siller to buy meal. But yer faither is aboot finished wi' the web, and ye shall hae plenty the nicht. "Then the bits o' dear creatures would hae come runnin' ben to me, and asked 'Faither, when will the web be ready? "'Soon, soon, hinnies! said I, half choked wi' grief and blind wi' tears; 'haud awa' oot and play yoursels!

Colonel Mannering had recourse to his handkerchief; Pleydell made wry faces, and wiped the glasses of his spectacles; and honest Dinmont, after two loud blubbering explosions, exclaimed, 'Deil's in the man! he's garr'd me do that I haena done since my auld mither died. 'Come, come, said the Counsellor at last, 'silence in the court.

I am thinking it has been a love-token, puir fallow there's naebody sae rough but they hae aye a kind heart to the lasses and there's a book wi'a wheen papers, and I got twa or three odd things, that I'll keep to mysell, forby." "Upon my word, you have made a very successful foray for a beginner," said his new master. "Haena I e'en now?" said Cuddie, with great exultation.

"Weel, a' we can dae noo, Weelum, gin we haena mickle brichtness in oor ain names, is tae keep the licht frae gaein' oot in anither hoose. Write the telegram, man, and Sandy 'ill send it aff frae Kildrummie this verra nicht, and ye 'ill hae yir man the morn." "Yir the man a' coonted ye, Drumsheugh, but ye 'ill grant me ae favor.

She paused but a moment, ran down the hill, and found her mother making the porridge. Mother and daughter neither embraced, nor kissed, nor even shook hands, but their faces glowed with delight, and words of joy and warmest welcome flowed between them. "But ye haena lost yer place, hae ye, hinny?" said the mother.

"Weel, a' we can dae noo, Weelum, gin we haena mickle brichtness in oor ain hames, is tae keep the licht frae gaein' oot in anither hoose. Write the telegram, man, and Sandy 'ill send it aff frae Kildrurnmie this verra nicht, and ye 'ill hae yir man the morn." "Yir the man a' coonted ye, Drumsheugh, but ye 'ill grant me ae favour.