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Updated: August 19, 2024

'But you will tell Julia that I am here, won't you? It's the last time, for ever so long. 'I'll tell her, said Mrs. Rusker. 'But don't stay here; goo down to the Five Ash. Mr. Mountain's gone to Burmungem, an' he'll come across this way when he comes back. You must tek a bit o' care, Dick, for the gell's sake. 'I'll take care, dear. It's good-bye this time, Aunt.

Ah, and theer's none like the Gray Dogs they all says that, and I say so masel'; none like the Gray Dogs o' Kenmuir, bless 'em! And we'll win agin too " he broke off short; his eye had travelled down to the last name on the list. "'M'Adam's Wull'!" he read with unspeakable contempt, and put his great thumb across the name as though to wipe it out. "'M'Adam's Wull'! Goo' gracious sakes! P-hg-h-r-r!

Soomtimes I think he knows t' boys are dead an then soomtimes he frets 'at they doan't coom an see him. Fourteen year ago! An I goo on tellin him they'll coom soon. An last week, when I towd him it, I thowt to mysel it wor just th' naked truth! David leant over the gate, pulling at some withered hollyhocks beside it.

"No," her husband answered. "He said he'd give me in charge if I tried to do it again," she exclaimed, laughing as she spoke. "Goo' Lor'!" said Cream. "That's the first time that's ever been said to you, Dolly!" He turned to John. "You're a funny sort of a chap, you are! Fancy not letting Dolly kiss you. Goo' Lor'!" He had tried hard to see Eleanor Moore again, but without success.

Looking lovingly at him they raised their glasses and drank his health. "Girlsh," said the man, bcsccchingly, "I allus trea's yehs ri', didn' I? I'm goo' f'ler, ain' I, girlsh?" "Sure!" again they chorused. "Well," said he finally, "le's have nozzer drink, zen." "That's right," hailed a woman, "that's right. Yer no bloomin' jay! Yer spends yer money like a man. Dat's right."

They'll take away my shield and break me. I can think and talk con-con-consec-sec-secutively, but I s-s-stammer with my feet. I've got to go on duty in three hours. The jig is up, Remsen. The jig is up, I tell you." "Look at me," said Remsen, who was his smiling self, pointing to his own face; "whom do you see here?" "Goo' fellow," said O'Roon, dizzily, "Goo' old Remsen." "Not so," said Remsen.

Mebbe you can get off in a week, for a visit. Goo'-bye! Goo " They were gone. Their voices came back to the crowd on the depot platform high, clear young voices; almost like the voices of children, shouting. Well, you wrote letters; fat, bulging letters, and in turn you received equally plump envelopes with a red triangle in one corner.

Blob stared, breathing like a beast. "Don't you ave two arms on you?" he asked at last curiously. "I get along very well with one, thank you." "Mus. Poiper, he've got no legs only ends loike," pursued Blob. The Parson hailed him. "Hi! are you coming ashore with us, or will you stay with this gentleman to fight the French?" The boy wagged his head cunningly. "Oi'll goo with Maaster Sir.

As John Fry whispered, so I did, for he was off Smiler by this time; but our two pads were too fagged to go far, and began to nose about and crop, sniffing more than they need have done. I crept to John's side very softly, with the bridle on my arm. "Let goo braidle; let goo, lad. Plaise God they take them for forest-ponies, or they'll zend a bullet through us."

"Rest easy in yer mind, cook," I zed; "Roger is toughish, an' he'll see thet the honour o' the old county is well show'd out and kep' up." Cook wished me a pleasant holiday. I started early on Monday marnin', 'tarmined to see as much as possible. I wur to walk into Cizzeter, an' vram thur goo by train to Lunnon. I wur delighted wi' Cizzeter.

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